Bloopy disease
Bloopy 075N9
Loma is contracted an uncurable disease according to his previous consultation with medical professionals in Japan. I did an observation on Loma's head and it was within reason to infer that there are many bloopy inside Loma's head. This consultation was done by a team from Japan. Scanning showed countless tumours inside Loma's head.
Another more visible physical phenot of this disease was that one side of Loma's face started to drop. This is consistent with the developing cores of energy inside Loma's head, now surfacing as dark purple diseases with yellow fluit.
Treatment specific at the bottom
This observation photo was done 4 months after Loma was given the treatment particulars. The tumour energy cores are now surfacing as black and purple thingi. We call it continum energy cores. So, going back to the core discovery that gave us the cure to all the diseases. I see nothing wrong with energy. It only means that our body have built to have too much energy of a particula continum qodine. The reason why this treatment works on all the diseases because it brings the billions of little continum infections or virus out.
Remarkable result from Loma's treatment. It is worth the mention, that Loma was given the right knowledge into how to cure this uncurable disease. He took those core applicables and run the treatment himself. This photo shows the cores coming out of the body. Billions have exited the body into thin air. In the completion of this treatment, when Tipiloma Fatongia successfully extract all the Bloopy 075TF9 out of his person. He will then be given the accolade of Academia level 7, Quantum Human Treatment Academia Neuvre. I am looking forward to reading Tipiloma Fatogia's academia articles over the next few years as his treatment goes from strength to strength.
The colour of the bloopy is now a soft brown.
Shiny skin, meaning, there is still a level of continum stepping up higher than the normal continum of the skin of the body.
The big blooby will shrink, it will spread into smaller cores, those smaller cores will keep on exiting the body until it all exits the body.
We can see the many cores of the blooby coming to the surface. Very similar to evaporation or steam coming out from a pot of water. The water eventually runs dry, same phenot will happen to Bloopy 075TF9
Disease like Bloopy cannot be cut out of the body. I needs extraction.
Immortality Ekoti Cure Scholar in Human Treatment
S.c Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele