The complexity of a runny nose
The body have a high content of water
This means that the runny nose can go for a very long time, on and off.
As I mentioned on the earlier article. The different time of the day, have different continum energy. The location of where you live on the planet have a particula continum. Your heritage blueprint which has become your continum equilibrium also have a particula. The qodine of the food you ate for dinner. The thing you drink. The amount of red or chrome energy that you drank from your cup of tea in the morning. They type of tea, or chocolate you drank. The temperature of the milk. All these things plus many others comes together to make up the very specific in the quantity of treatment you need to take. The time to spend on energising your body is a function of all the things that have been mentioned above. If I am to make a drink to stop your flue. It will be different for each and every person because all the thinks that we eat are different, thereby, there must different measures in quantity inorder to be able to always stay ahead of the runny nose. How long you sit in the sun, or close the fire place, has relevancy.
The simplicity
It is a one plus one.
The colour of your clothes has an impact on whether you will get the flue or a runny nose or not. Why? because as gravity passes through your body. The gravity changes to the colour of your body. This means that the type of energy changes as well. One of the differentiating features of quantum energy and gravity is in the inclusion of colours or qodine and energy continum to the behaviours of gravity.
