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Runny nose and snort

Treating running nose using the extraction, the extraction becomes complex because there are more than one fluid points in the body. When our energy goes through that point, the cells or the flesh turns into water. Just like the hard block of ice, the white coconut juice from the brown coconut. When you add red and or chrome to the coconut, it then turn to clarity. Black is high energy clarity, using black extracts the quantums clarity level 0 which is part of the snort. We go back to the air, on the surface energy level just after green(leaves). They are clairty, it rises to a particular heigh, then it turns to clouds and then rain(clarity level 2).

When we get a watery runny nose. It is the equilibrium starting clarity of the body. It is also the closest to clarity air. Using a black energy core will bring the water flow which is the snort, to a stop. If your snort is thicker than the runny water. You will realise that it gets thinker as you do the quantum extracting. This is why our snort comes through the nose, not the tits of our breast or our belly button. It is very close to air.

Take into account, the direction of the core. put the extraction core(magnet is the easiest). Or hang upside down like a pat and the snort will flow the other way(cure, literally, kinda impracticle).

This is a double stand bubble, I later found out that there are 4 and a few others. The water flows from the body out through the nose because the energy type of the environment is connecting to the energy type of the body. In winter we breathe is blue air. Our body being in red, the energy goes backwards linking to blue. because, clarity is between blue and red, the body turns watery at the low insulation anatomies or parts. Once the accumation of water fills up the bubble hold of the snort, which depends on the level of energy of the snort. It then burst into another bubble, then what we have is the water running down the nose.

If we wear a special type of winter hat, that converts the qodine into pink. Then we will not have a flow of energy out of the body. We also need a bull the clarity away from the areas where the water flows too. In winter, its the nose. In summer its the eyes(ie hayfever). We can also energise the nose to brown, and it will act as a bride that stands between blue and clarity. This will also stop the energy of the body around the nose area from turning into water.

The energy has to go through orange to get to clarity. If we extract orange from the nose, then the flow that connects red and pink stored energy in the body, will disconnect. Just in the nose area, we can call this Puluko, breaking the bridge.

The technique will use one side with the bridge breaking qodine. the other as black magnet. The black side will extract the snort, leaving the nose with less snort. The other side with the qodine will destroy the connection or break the bridge that connects the energy field of the world and the energy field of the body. Acceptance level 4 is achieved. This the fourth discovery completion. Some will see this as level 8. I will agree. The extra, will be extension cores to the first core. The next few stages of treating the flue or runny nose, or coughing is in setting up the systems that change the qodine of the nose, through a cream, or water base remedy, could be qodine bath, or machine. The treatment that everyone can do are the one explained above.

Extension: Blue bridge

When you sleep at night, put a brown cloth over your nose, that it will stop the runny nose. Also use brown curtains during winter or brown class window. (some caucasian and asians or people that lives in blue energy field places will need to use a blue or brugun sheet or little fold placed on their nose when they sleep)

Extension 2: Red bridge(building)

Coverting the energy to orange and keep it at red, through out the day, the body will slowly dilude back towards clarity, but with the right calculation, by the time, the energy gets down to yellow. The energy field of the world have turned pass blue, brugun, brown and green, and clarity. And thereby, the nose doesn't give out water.

Extension 3: Sweeping off orange, will bread the bridge. Carry a little energy core with you. For this to work, we now need to know the qodine energy of the person. Caucasians will not need this. The need a blue bridge. For browns and black and topical people, carry an energy core, and a little orange sheet. extract the orange and the red and pink energy will not turn into water. It will also stop the flow from red, to blue.

A next level of comletion , shown by the thickned clarity.


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At the University of Auckland more than a year ago working on some little project. And yes, whilst going through age reversal.

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