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Treatment photos and observations

Quantum extraction using an energy core and qodine

This person was informed that it could not be treated. The hand at the time was at 40% surface infection approximately. The disease had spread into other parts of the body. The treatment has now been ongoing since October 2023

October 2023, the treatment started

Visit 1, the hand was in a state of fluid puzz and dark black, purple, brown, blue, brugen, brugun. The effect of the treatment was visible after 20 minutes and in 40 minutes, the treatment was confirmed as a cure. On the first 20 minutes, one leaf of the disease was extracted. On the next 20 minutes, another leaf was extracted, the juicy fluid infection had started to dry out. Colour had became lighter twice(two shades completion).

Visit 2 (no photos from visit 1, much more worst than this)

The cure works on all types of body damages. During observation visit 1.

The question at this stage is, whether the infection is energised from the whole body or specific to the location of infection depending on the level of energy of the body, and how close the type of energy that causes the infection to the different energy cores in the body. The worst case scenario is always when the whole body has been covered with the same energy type as that of the infection(or disease).

Visit 2

This treatment was run by little Teu 'i Waikato Ekoti Uaisele as the patient and treatment expert in this type of infections. More colour clearing towards natural colour. The size of the broken tissues of the hand have retracted back. At this stage, the observation photo shows that the over energised tissues of the hand are mixing like melted chocolate or butter. As a equilibrium of this mixing of the fluit of the different tissues is shown by the colour of the hand. The quantum extraction tells us that the energy of the disease is coming out of the body. It also tells us that as the energy becomes less and less. It will retract back to its cores. And they are circular or like chains of peanuts. At this level of fluidity in the infection growth, we can say that there are energy flowing into the infected zone from other parts of the body. It will do two things. If the continum of the energy flowing in, is closer to clarity, it will reduce the strength of the infection. If the continum type of the energy in not to the clarity side of the continum. We will see the infection getting a little more worst. All occurances are still good as we want the high energy that energises the infection to also be extracted out from the body.

(refer to the continum stack)

Continum stack

This is the continum stack

The continum continues by 8-12 more completions(or sets) to the left and to the right of our equilibrium. Imagine another 7 more stack going towards the absolution of cold energy. The same happens on the hot side

..extensions to the continum, below is the human growth core and the planet earth. The extensions is to the universe in starting clarity going left and right.

White (cold solid)




Mupersh (new, the equivalent colour of burgundy)


Limestone (new insertion(yellowish white brown)



Clarity Water and Clarity Air(earth's points of neutrality)










Clarity (solid)

..extensions to the continum, above is the human growth core and the planet earth

The continum continues by 8-12 more completions(or sets) to the left and to the right of our equilibrium. Imagine another 7 more stack going towards the absolution of cold energy. The same happens on the hot side

The the continum stepping is not included in this version of the continum energy spread and growth. The continum stepping is where the energy changes states from air to liquid, liquid to solid in the refto continum stack. This is enough to cure all diseases. The continum has 200,000 trillion core combinations of colours. This continum stack was build base on the equilibriums of the body. The continum is a complex piece of knowledge that will take more than 200,000 trillion words to explain. The imbalance that is life is clarity air, and 8 to 12 continums to the left and to the right of clarity.

Visit 3

Visit 4

Visit 5

The strength of the infection has now retracted to cores joined by fluidity energy, the circle bubble articulated earlier. Consistent with our knowledge of human continum growth, growth goes from:

Air > Fluid > Solid > transition point(to the next continum completion(block of ice, or solid steel)

inference: all three(plus sound) ie air, fluid, solid happens at all transition points

ekso inference: there are 12 continum states all together at the different transition points.

refto: 4 continums plus air, fluid, solid, sound

obeservation: inference is consistent with the melting of a solid block of ice, or bar of chocolate amongst other things plastic and an overheated wire.

The infection is now looking more worst than before. The analysis of the observations tells me that the energy of the disease have retracted back from solid state to the less powerful state of fluid/watery.

Visit 6

after 1 week, further retraction

Less fluid, and smaller energy field equating to the smaller sizes of the infection.

Visit 7

after 4 to 6 weeks

Very visible observation of the energy fields retracted back to its individual cores.

Visit 8

Visit 9

A little imflamation

The colour is lighter, this tells us that the core that made the fingers a little dark blue, grey and purpleish, have further lowered its energy.

Another level of dry core with less dark colour on the smallerfinger.

As expected, there is dark layer on the smaller finger yet dry. Chubby finger is still a bubble of continum energy higher, a level of fluidity hence why it looks wet.

Consistent with the strength of energy that is the hard nail. We see the darker higher continum energy next to the finger nail. Just above is another level of continum. This level of continum energy is red-ish, dark and fluid.

Visit 10

The cores of the infections have changed continum again. They are now back into bubbles holding its core continum energy inside. A step backward in energy strength from the broken bubbles. We now have bubbles. A step forward towards a clean body.

As anticipated and consistent with the energy retraction in strength, we see the right finger in lighter colour, I has now changed continum state back to dry again. The bubbles of energy fields that were the core of the diseases have now burst and retracted back into dry continum with dark black-ish red brown sebo. I would anticipate that underneath could still be bubbles.

Visit 11

Visit 12

Progression of the disease turning into little bubbles have reached the middle finger. There are the presence of broken disease energy bubbles, less bubbles in numbers and the colour is much lighter. We are at Muersh state(middle finger) equilibrium. High continum energy to the middle, less continum energy to the dryness area at the nail. The core of the infection is in the middle section of the finger.

Visit 13

Some level of re-energising is seen.

The transition went back into another continum layer of fluid after the dry light colour shown in visit 12. This is still normal in the backward lowering of the energy of all type of disease or energy cores. We have observed the same evidence from our earlier visit photos.

Looking at the nail area of the middle finger. We can see less dryness, with the darker colour coming back. This tell us, that the middle finger's energy continum have gone back a level, we are at sebo purple with less dryness.

The ring finger has gone back from broken quantums to the previous continum step growth of solid. Just like the block of ice, it has ice blocks, then dust. The same is observed in this growth. The little bubble of continum disease have now hardened. It will soften again as the energy goes backwards in growth. It will soften again as the disease goes backwards is growth energy. It will either turn fluid again or back to skin which is fluid underneath and dry on the surface because the continum of water and continum of air meets and forms an equilibrium at this layer.

Visit 14

Turning into water again, fluid with softer colour, smaller size infection.

We can take the size of the bubble, turn it into a complete circle going into the body, and we will be able to know the depth of the core. The bubble is the equilibrium of the energy continum at this stage. The colour is still a little dark, but not as dark as the photo evidence from visit photo 13.

Photo 15

Dryness in the little finger, tells us that most likely. the smooth ring, middle and index finger have another layer of energy that is still too high for the body. This is also my assessment of the more probable. The exception is, If there were high energy in the area of the little finger that is dry. Then the other free fingers will not extract into a next layer of dryness. Another way where the little high energy dryness could have been energised is through energy flow from other parts of the body or externalities.

The roughness in the skin shows that the bubbles of the disease have gone backwards another continum. It is now a mixture of orange skin, or muesrh state of continum energy equilibrium. Judging from the colour of the hand being a little Muersh and Sebo. This is a double strand infection.

The palm of the hand shows that there is still a few more layers of continum de-energising required to bring Teu's equilibrium to normal healthy growth.

The water breakages in the energy will go back a continum to a state or dryness, then another fluid state then another state of dryness ie skin.

From this point, there will be another 8 to 12 weeks of treatment before this disease is fully extracted out from the body according to observation. And provided that there is no other flow of energy from somewhere that energises the infection.

visit 16

Next update

More photos

Many thanks to Teu 'i Waikato Uaisele for allowing immortality ekoti to take pictures of his progress treatment. Congratulation on your success. You can write up your report on how you successfully cured this uncurable disease. It looks better than person, no scars. Three more months of work, totalling, I am adding another month. You need to keep on doing what you are doing for a total of 9 months since beginning to make sure that all continum energies that created this infection is extracted out from the whole body.

This is the equivalent of a masters degree. A book can be written around this finding. Teu rugrats you can make citations from this article. You are now a professional, Masters in quantum cure, body tissue degeneration, breakdown and damages. With what you have learned, and many more in your career, many many more tweeking if I may add. You will be the peakon that brings comfort to any person with any infection or infectious continum imbalance in simili particula.

Immortality has it's own training and qualification system. Still at its infancy but it was founded and established a few years ago.


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At the University of Auckland more than a year ago working on some little project. And yes, whilst going through age reversal.

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