Cure to all sex diseases, Cure to all diseases. New DISCOVERIES

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all sex diseases
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Understanding all sexual diseases
The Full Story
What are sexual diseases?
My knowledge of diseases tells me that there are two types. One to the left of our energy continum equilibrium or healthy state. The other types of disease are to the right of the continum energy of the human body.
Can a disease be on one side of the continum alone? The answer is yes.
To answer this question with evidence is currently impossible due to the fact that the data we have doesn't understand all the diseases hence why there was no cure to all the diseases. My answer is, yes, all diseases always have two strands. This is also a more safe approach into curing diseases. Using the continum quantum growth of humans. It tells me that all diseases affects the body from both the left or cold equilibrium and the hot equilibrium. To simplify things so we can easily understand the bigger cause or core understanding about the diseases. We are best to say that there are cold and hot diseases. One type of diseases are cold. The other types of diseases are hot. And sometimes, there are double strand diseases which is both hot and cold.
What about the adding of the hot and cold cup of water situation? shouldn't we end up with an cup of water that is either cold or hot. Hotter than what, one might say. Maybe than room temperature, or the healthy temperature of 8 x 4 units, 9 x 4 units, 11 x 4 units, 12 x 4 units. Healthy temperature according to science is 36 to 38 degrees, for some people, it is 40 degrees, and in some situations, it is 48 degrees. For the purpose of treating diseases, we take the majority 8 time 4 which is 36 degrees.
Healthy temperature: 36 degrees
Sexual diseases
To understand sexual diseases, my knowledge base uses what I discovered and build call the continum energy bubble growth and the vermit growth graph.
Drop a rock into a pool of water and you will see waves like these circles. Disease and energy works the same way. What scientists did not know, is that the wave in that pool of water has colours even though all we see is clarity. The air has colours yet all we see is clarity. Why? because our eyes are only compatible with clarity at that particular level of quantum energy.
Inside our body, we have the same situations. Eventhough our muscles, blood and all other parts of the body looks red solid. The Level 0 quantum energy in our body have unseen colours. Thereby,sex diseases have a particula colour. The different level of sex diseases ie strands have different shade of the same colour or a number of colours.
Lets see what the continum looks like inside the body.
The focus of the report is on the cure. The core information you find on the website is enough to give site visitors an understanding of what sex diseases is.
Vermit cold: One side of the clarity equilibrium
clarity > green > brown > maroon(burgundy) > blue > black > grey > white
Centroid: Clarity water and clarity air is place in the middle because those two things are two bases for life, plus food which are at different colours
(apple, orange, stake, chicken etc)
Vermit warm: One side of the clarity equilibrium
clarity > yellow > orange > pink > red > purple > black > grey > white
The colours that are red are the continums colours of the diseases. The most simple ways of understanding diseases and sexual diseases is, aids happens around blue from the cold side, and red-purple from the warm site. Some bodies don't feel any sypmptoms until purble or black or grey. This means, that their disease will have a faster growth and will also kill the body faster. There are many many things about sexual diseases we can learn. The core understanding of the sexual diseases killer virus have been hand picked for this website report.
Starting point
Its the middle of the day in the tropics. We are sitting in the sun. Water or sweats comes out of the body.
We are inside the house in the middle of the night. There is no sun. We are sweating. (seems a little more complex than simple heating)
The sweating we see from sexual diseases virus diseases is from both. We have something to start with. We have the continum. We know it is summer that causes the sweat. What is the colour of summer? or What is the continum energy colour of summer? Fall is brown orange, Then blue. Summer is green. The suns energy that causes the sweat is yellow, orange, and red. All these colours can cause warm sweating.
It can make a block of ice melt as well
The quantum extraction extracts these colours out of the body and the body will be back to normal.
Shiverings are cause by blue continum energy or continum energy core detachement.
In the case of sexual diseases. Many times, a very old person have sex with a very young prostitute. The energy from the old person enters the body of the young person through the genital. This starts a flow of energy or energy build up. As a result, in the complexities of the many things that happens underneath the body. The two cores fluxes like lightening. The young continum energy is detached from the older continum energy. It could be the energy of a caucasian and an energy of a black person from Africa. There is much detachement in the type of energy of the body.
a. always connected
resulting in a permanent shiver or fluxing.
b.come and go shiver
the energy builds up, the core burst, or the core fluxes like lightening or heart beat between the two cores.
c. thumb flux or burst or shake
This is followed by relaxation of the body.
Pain and imflamation
Caused by one of the followings:
1. continum qodine bridging
You have your normal look. A blob of thingi(fluid most likely) enters that part of the body. It connects that part with another blob of energy inside the body. This creates a flow from one part of the body to another. It then creates the inflamation.
2. continum growth
Sex exchanges energy from the male and the female.
Male female relationship. Most of the sex diseases happend to the female. This is because the stronger energy of the male passes to the female.
The weaker female passing fluid to the male during sex is not so much of a problem most of the times.
There are exceptions
1. if the weaker fluid from the male creates a continum bridge, then it could cause a major disease.
2. if the addition of energy from the female to the male over fills the bubble hold of the energy of the male, then the male will end up with a disease.
The over energising causes the new look shape ie inflamation.
The over energising causes the pain.
Sexual diseases is a poke
After looking at the colours continums of sexual diseases. The three colours of summer that are related to the sweating. This should come with some warming of the body, high temperature above 40-42 degrees according to the continum. Sweating should start at 44 degrees and humming at 54 degrees(close to death), at 60 degrees the body starts to lose consciousness(sleepy and non responsive, death starts at 72 plus degrees push equilibrium. Depending on the tolerance of the person, some dies at 72, some dies at 58 degrees. Death at 54 degrees is rare yet still possible due to other going things happening inside the body.
At some point, the combination of two red pushes the energy of people into purple. Most males are red energy levels. Mainly blacks from africa and their high level of energy. When they combine, it breaches to a purple level of energy. This breach or bubble growth stays at that level. That makes the rest of the energy of the body flowing into the purple melting point, the energy is then released in the form of sweats. This keeps on going and the body starts to lose weight as the yellow, orange and red energy escapes through that poke, or bubble.