Cure to all weather diseases, Cure to all diseases. New DISCOVERIE

If you are going to die from cancer or diseases without a cure. You can run the treatment then notified to the police that you committed a theft because you don't want to die. Your government will pay. Or not? Atleast your cancer gets cured.
Email us your details, we will set up a government payment for you New Zealand. email:
Special government reserve progam available to all governments that are running government reserve economics to pay for your people's treatments.
Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele
season disease
Cure Page
The Full Story
Anyone and everyone can run this treatment. I have decided to make this information available for use. YOU SHOULD PAY ME FIRST BEFORE YOU USE THIS INFORMATION. Read about the free option.
The treatments are self run for the following reasons.
1. Sometimes the treatment officer gets sick from the diseases. Infected from the patient.
2. You are best to do your own treatment or get someone close to you to do the disease.
3. There are cures that requires the patient's clothings to be minimum so that the disease can exit from the body. This space is too personal for the professional treatment officer to enter.
4. The treatment is easy to set up and run.
Age reversal and dead revive are available. Special payment arrangements are available.
Telling your friends and families about the cure.
Cancer cure 1: works on all types of diseases​.
The water will dilute the diseases.
dairy products until the extraction cleans up the body, enough for the body to be able to process oily food.
Treatment Payment arrangement

If you cannot pay full price or do a part payment but you are dying or suffering from weather diseases. Please Please Please, my advice is not to die and not to continue suffering. Do the treatment then write a police report, or email to social government and let them know that you have run treatment, a little explanation of what you went through and you are better now. No more pain, or not much pain, or you have regathered your strength, or you are able to walk now, or you went back to your doctor and do and scan and your cancer is gone.
Energy imbalance cure
Level 1
You feel weak. Maybe breathless. Maybe dizzy here and there. Start treatment.
The energy imbalance uses the connectivity of the continum water to connect the body to the energy field of the outer atmosphere. It also works as a layer where the disease comes out and sits at. Water is compatible with clarity air. Water is compatible with the body. Therefore, both the disease and the water evaporates to the atmosphere.
Treatment steps
Step 1: prevention
Prevention 1
Winter is a blue energy field. Our body is red, pink. For the many months our country is in the blue energy field. The red stored energy of the body goes from red, back to pink, back to orange, back to yellow, then clarity(remember the eggs). After yellow the snort starts. After yellow, the body then had its first layer of snorty nose, a little thick.
1. Energise the body with a heater or fire back to pink and red.
2. Wear warm clothes, red colour, pink, grey. This will reset the body back to the non snorty kj.
Warm clothes, and don't spend more than 2 hours to 3 hours in the open cold. Put the heater on warm when inside the car, warm to hot.
The placement of your energy is blue yellow
White caucasians, diverse and complex but fundamentally blue leafing to yellow.
If you spend more time inside the house with the red energy from the heater. Your snorty kj will stay dry.
Food and drinks
Drink orange hot drinks(in the near future, we will have drinks for the different location for the planet relative to the weather. We can also make orange or red base tablets, but we want to start drug free. Drinking red apple juice, hot apple leaves kouka(new mineral base drink). This scan be boiled and energise with red qodine quantum.
Stopping the runny nose
1. A dry piece of wood over the nose.
2. You can also use anything brown. A brown cap or beanie will put the brain into brown.
3. Wear a brown mask when out in the open, until the nose clears
4. When sleeping so that your nose stays at brown qodine
5. qodine cream can be put on your nose(brown, orange, pink, or red)
Cure 1 snorty kj red
Use qodine orange, pink and red before winter. Once you start to get a little water. Wear a red mask, or pink and the process will reverse.
The proper way will be to wear a yellow mask, and sleep with a yellow mask for 2 days. Then switch to a red mask for 2 days. (this is a jump continum method)
Cure 1 snorty kj blue
Use qodine orange, pink and brown once your runny nose turns thick and greenish, or brownish colour. Wear a brown mask.
The proper way will be to wear a brugun(burgundy) mask, and sleep with a (burgundy mask) mask for 2 days. Then switch to a brown mask for 2 days. (this is a jump continum method)
Repeat the treatment if your snorty kj needs more treatment.
​ Extra information If for some reason, your nose get enough could or blue energy and you get a snorty kj. You will then change to a brown qodine cream, and sleep with a brown mask. ​ Snorty Kj will stop because the blue quantum energy from the black energy field of space is pulling into the middle of the planet. When this happens, the blue energy goes through our body. It them moves our red energy from red towards blue, It eventually goes pass yellow. Then snorty kj starts. The snort gets yellowish, then dark yellow. Later it clears up to runny water snort as the energy reaches water clarity.(This knowledge is also used to purify water.) ​ It then start going towards green which is the energy continum after clarity water. Snorty kj then becomes thicker. Now your snort becomes greenish, yellow then bubbly on the outer edges. ​ Shields: Qodine conversion Shield 1: Cover the roof of the house with Orange or pink to keep our red energy and pink energy body from going blue. Then its about spending less time exposing to the blue energy. Also wear pink clothes inside to change the qodine of the quantum field to the warmer more healthy. ​ Why take medicine after getting the flue when you can stop it from happening in the first place. ​ Red and pink energy people clothes: a red beanie, or had red scarf, grey scarf ​ buy the new continum energy clothes for winter. Its not just about insulation, its now about taking the blue energy field and turning it to energise your body to be healthy. ​ Caucasians and blue energy type people During autumn, you will be using blue blankets, or sheets, towards the end of autumn. This will convert quantum green to blue. The body is being prepared for winter. By the time we get to winter, your blue continum body will be ready for the transition. ​ Sheets for the bed Is best to be green, brown(or brownish white). Advice against red, yellow, orange, purple. ​ Blue is high energy clarity, blue sky, blue ocean equal snorty kj. ​ Use a piece of wood over your nose(or wooden roof). This means that when the blue energy of space goes through the roof. The continum blue changes into a continum brown.
Free Treatment
Treatment is only free if you have no way of paying. Or no money to pay.
The differences in our continum energy means that some people needs a green or burgundy mask. Others needs red and yellow, or blue.
Level 2
Body discolouration or hardenning
If it is the whole body, then the disease is covering the whole body.
If the body is hardening in just one part. Here is how to treat that cancer.
caution: people only tend to start treatment when it becomes painful. This is alright but is best to cure the disease as soon as there is permanent hardening of the body tissue.
Level 2: whole body
Cure path at the sea or in a path tub for 4 hours to 8 hours per day if you don't have a bath tub. Move with a little tent to the side of or river or the sea. Swim all day and all night until the colour of your body comes back. The pulling out of the disease can take up to 8 to 12 years. This is because some cancers have covered the whole body. It is for this reason why the doctors can't cure cancer.
Level 2: part of the body hardening
This can be very very dangerous. It can turn to brokendown tissues ie buzz and guey watery stuff and maggots and worms inside the body. And you can die super fast.
Treatment: put the part of the body that is hardening. If it is on the side of the hand, put the whole hand in the water. Both hands are better. If it gets too cold, take it out and let it warm up then put it back into the water.
caution: Sometimes, it seems to be getting worst. It is not. It means that the strength of the disease is releasing from the core. Or the disease is energised from inside the body. This is why the bath of the whole body is relevant. Could be from the food, or the environment. But, the disease is exiting the body.
Keep going with the extraction until the disease all exits the body.
Level 3
Two to eight spots around the body. Anything more than 8, it means that the disease is growing and it has reached completion stage 1.
Must soak the body for 4 hours to 8 hours per day for 8 consecutive days. If you are only pathing for 4 hours. You need to do this for 16 days. You can have two sets of 4 hour baths per day. Best if you can do 3 sets of baths for 4 hours per day. We want to get ahead of the disease.
This will get the disease down to livable condition. The rest of the clean up will be for the next 8 months. And all you have to do is bath for 4 hours after work.
Also works for breast cancer and everything else. The cancer have growth and spread.
During the time you are out of the bath. Put a wet cloth over the part of the body in treatment. Every 30 to 40 minutes, squeeze the towel or cloth out, then wet the cloth in the bowl of water then repeat the same process.
feel the tower or cloth, if it is oily. then you can improve the recovery time by using coconut juice(green or brown). If it is very painful, use brown coconut juice from the shop.
1. The clear juice.
2. scrape the white meat of the coconut, squeeze with warm water and you will get white juices. You can use the white juices for a bath(4 coconuts per average size bath tub). Or use it on the surface where the disease is visible, then follow the squeeze and wetting process for 4 to 8 hours. Or when you can.
(or buy the can, might have preservatives that can add bad energy to the cancer)
2. The water will still work on all cancers.
Rule of thumb
If it feels good with cold water. Keep bathing with cool or cold water. If it feels good with warm or hot water. Keep bathing with hot water.
GOLDEN RULES: if it feels good with hot water then cold water. It is a double strand infection or cancer.
1. INTERCHANGE your bath with hot and cold. BOTH strands will exit the body. You will notice that the bath gives you great enjoyment or relief. And over time, the relief or will get smaller and smaller. It means, that the strength of the cancer is getting weaker. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW is that it felt a little better when you first jumped into the bath OR by the time you got out of the bath after 4 or 8 hours. THE TREATMENT ALWAYS WORKS, AND IT WORKS ON EVERY DISEASES.