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All treatments are free to all cancer 


This project is run as a charity because of the incurable nature of cancer.


Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele

Cancer cure

All free


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Cancer cure

All types of cancer. Worldwide.

Bronze cure is free to all. Cures all cancers. Level 2 cure to Level 12 are paid cures.

Paid treatments


Anytime, Anywhere


the cure
new discovery treatment
Quantum extraction


A cure to all cancer have been found. It is now available to everyone. 

After 20 years of working in the immortality project. A cure for all the diseases needed to be discovered. This method is called quantum extraction. Everything in the world are quantum energies including all the cancers. The cancers have different continums of energies ie the different types of cancers. As a result of this research discoveries, an understanding that an energy imbalance can create a quantum energy flow. This quantum energy flow gets all the diseases out of the body.


The site is now making this discovery cure available for everyone in the world. The same method cures all other diseases. There are no drugs involve.  The success of this method comes from the understanding of energy simili, energy connectivity, quantum imbalance, qodine and disease compatibility and many other things. 


All these many things combines to make the knowledge that explains everything about cancer and the cure. To find out more. Go to the cure page.

It is not a cure when you live in pain heavily medicated.
It is not a cure when you take medication for the rest of your life


It is not a cure when the end result of the treatment is you having 1 breast OR no hair OR half of your brain cut out.




It is not a cure when the end result of the treatment is you dead after a few months or a few years.



People with cancer. Death is the end for most

Cancer cure



Discovery information

There treatment is free

If you cannot pay


The more advanced treatments are not free. Start up cure method still work all the time.

Cancer cure is a site dedicated to raising awareness about discoveries that can cures all types cancer illnesses. The treatment works on all cancers. It works all the time.


Quantum Cures


Quantum Level 0

latitude conversion dilution

longitude conversion dilution

quantum imbalance extraction

quantum energy source dilution

quantum stepping dilution

quantum stepping extraction


Quantum Level 1

quantum dilution

quantum conversion

quantum qodine duo(level 1 - level 2)


Quantum Level 2

quantum imbalance

quantum inhale and exhale

quantum quantum dilution

quantum stepping


Quantum Level 3

quantum extraction

quantum flow imbalance

quantum in oral

quantum out oral

quantum duo oral(level 4 - level 2) 

in (qodine dilution)

out (qodine dilution)

in and out stepping

quantum duo (level 4 - level 5 qodine)

Drinking Coffee



Credit, Cash, Check Accepted

Pay in Cash or Credit

Check payment is now available

Check payments are government paid payments. At the moment, everyone qualifies for the Check payment. Fill the 1 minute 'Check payment application. 

Check condition to pay for the cure that saves your life.


$20 above your necessity(rent or mortgage, and food). You must pay $5 dollars.

$100 or more left after your necessity, Must pay 10%.


PRICE: $250,000 TO $1,000,000 per treatment.

The free option is available for everyone that cannot pay, or those that their government cannot pay for their treatment. It means that your treatment is done as a Check Accepted.

Price: $250,000.00 for all treatments less than 1 year.

$100,000.00 for every year after the treatment year 1. Treatments can take up to 8 years.

Check Payment

Please complete the form to apply for the:


Check Payment option


All responsibility is on you the client. The payment makes it legal for you to use the discovery treatment on this site.


The government helps you with the payment. You liable to let us know if you decide to stop treatment. You do not need a reason. You must do this so that we can take off your name from the Check Payment claim that goes to the government. 


We have verified that all cancers are cured by the quantum treatment according to how quantum energy work.

Check Payment Registration

You can start treatment today after you submit the application. Immortality Cancer Cure will let you know the status of your application. If the Check Payment is declined from the government. You will then be advised via email and given these options:

1. Pay in full or instalments

2. Part pay plus loyalty

3. Full loyalty, pay later when you can afford to pay

4. End treatment and try another treatment agent/option


If you are a bad person and not pay. Then, at least we have helped you clean out your cancer. Smile, its a beautiful world.

Thank you for choosing Check Payment

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