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For other untreatable diseases or any disease.​

Email us your details, we will set up a government payment for you New Zealand. email:

If you cannot pay for the treatment of other diseases.

All cures are free to all cancer sufferers. Family home treatment. Non commercial
Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele

Cancer cure
All free

Cure Page

The Full Story

Anyone and everyone can run this treatment. I have decided make this information available for use. YOU SHOULD PAY ME FIRST BEFORE YOU USE THIS INFORMATION. Don't you think people that are dying from dangerous diseases that other doctors cannot cure?

There are three main reasons why I have decided to give you the information that will cure your diseases.

1. Sometimes the treatment officer gets sick from the diseases.

2. You are best to do your own treatment or get someone person close to you to do the disease.

3. There are cures that requires the patient's clothings to be minimum so that the disease can exit from the body. This space is too personal for the professional treatment officer to enter.


If you cannot pay full price or do a part payment but you are dying or suffering from cancer. Please Please Please, my advice is not to die and not to continue suffering. Do the treatment then write a police report, or email to social government and let them know that you have run treatment, a little explanation of what you went through and you are better now. No more pain, or not much pain, or you have regathered your strength, or you are able to walk now, or you went back to your doctor and do and scan and your cancer is gone.


Age reversal and dead revive is currently not available for this non upfront pay arrangement.


Also help immortality ekoti by telling your friends and families through an email or message about the cure.


Cancer cure 1: works on all types of diseases​.


The water will dilute the diseases.


Energy imbalance cure


Level 1

You feel weak. Maybe breathless. Maybe dissy here and there. Start treatment.


The energy imbalance uses the connectivity of the continum of water to connect the body. Since water is a lower energy, the stronger energy inside the body comes out. If you want to keep it simple, when a cold body person touches the body of a person with a warm body. You will see that their body temperature flows toward equilibrium. This is what happens when water touches the body a person. All diseases are higher energy than the normal energy of the body. The whole body (fairly)connects. We will get more specific as we go. 


Level 2

Body discolouration or hardenning

If it is the whole body, then the disease is covering the whole body.

If the body is hardening in just one part. Here is how to treat that cancer.

caution: people only tend to start treatment when it becomes painful. This is alright but is best to cure the disease as soon as there is permanent hardening of the body tissue.


Level 2: whole body

Cure path at the sea or in a path tub for 4 hours to 8 hours per day if you don't have a bath tub. Move with a little tent to the side of or river or the sea. Swim all day and all night until the colour of your body comes back. The pulling out of the disease can take up to 8 to 12 years. This is because some cancers have covered the whole body. It is for this reason why the doctors can't cure cancer.


Level 2: part of the body hardening

This can be very very dangerous. It can turn to brokendown tissues ie buzz and guey watery stuff and maggots and worms inside the body. And you can die super fast.


Treatment: put the part of the body that is hardening. If it is on the side of the hand, put the whole hand in the water. Both hands are better. If it gets too cold, take it out and let it warm up then put it back into the water. 

caution: Sometimes, it seems to be getting worst. It is not. It means that the strength of the disease is releasing from the core. Or the disease is energised from inside the body. This is why the bath of the whole body is relevant. Could be from the food, or the environment. But, the disease is exiting the body.

Keep going with the extraction until the disease all exits the body. 


Level 3

Two to eight spots around the body. Anything more than 8, it means that the disease is growing and it has reached completion stage 1.


Must soak the body for 4 hours to 8 hours per day for 8 consecutive days. If you are only pathing for 4 hours. You need to do this for 16 days. You can have two sets of 4 hour baths per day. Best if you can do 3 sets of baths for 4 hours per day. We want to get ahead of the disease. 

This will get the disease down to livable condition. The rest of the clean up will be for the next 8 months. And all you have to do is bath for 4 hours after work.


Also works for breast cancer and everything else. The cancer have growth and spread. 


During the time you are out of the bath. Put a wet cloth over the part of the body in treatment. Every 30 to 40 minutes, squeeze the towel or cloth out, then wet the cloth in the bowl of water then repeat the same process.


feel the tower or cloth, if it is oily. then you can improve the recovery time by using coconut juice(green or brown). If it is very painful, use brown coconut juice from the shop.

1. The clear juice. 

2. scrape the white meat of the coconut, squeeze with warm water and you will get white juices. You can use the white juices for a bath(4 coconuts per average size bath tub). Or use it on the surface where the disease is visible, then follow the squeeze and wetting process for 4 to 8 hours. Or when you can.

(or buy the can, might have preservatives that can add bad energy to the cancer)

2. The water will still work on all cancers.


Rule of thumb

If it feels good with cold water. Keep bathing with cool or cold water. If it feels good with warm or hot water. Keep bathing with hot water. 

GOLDEN RULES: if it feels good with hot water then cold water. It is a double strand infection or cancer.

1. INTERCHANGE your bath with hot and cold. BOTH strands will exit the body. You will notice that the bath gives you great enjoyment or relief. And over time, the relief or will get smaller and smaller. It means, that the strength of the cancer is getting weaker. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW is that it felt a little better when you first jumped into the bath OR by the time you got out of the bath after 4 or 8 hours. THE TREATMENT ALWAYS WORKS, AND IT WORKS ON EVERY DISEASES.


KEY NOTE: if it feels good with hot water then cold water. It is a double strand infection or cancer.

You can keep on treatment with with warm water. Say you feel better. You are able to do a few things. Then after a day, the effects of the disease comes back. Go back and carry on treatment. The disease could have another core inside and that core have just reached the surface. Keep in mind that it could take up to 8 years. Most serious cancer can be cured in 7 months - 8 months or 2 to 4 years. If treatment goes pass 4, then it is likely to take another 2 years, if the disease still comes back, sometime you will not notice that it is weaker than when you started. Keep going, by the 8th year 75% of all the serious diseases have cured. 25% of the diseases requires another 4 years to be extracted. 


Treating cancer is complex, but this is a cure. Going through these steps will save your life if you do the treatment.


KEY NOTE: swimming in the pool, or the sea will cure cancer. When it is a blue, or burgundy type cancer. The sea water can make the cancer more bad as the high concentration of salt energy in the sea pushes into the body. This is verified after a long day swimming and sitting in the sun. The salt from the sea water comes out of the body to the surface. Some cancers are salt energy type cancer. YOU MUST then go to the river, or bath is fresh water.



There is a way around this problem. The solution is: drink water, 1 zip every 10 to 12.5 minutes. Some will take a little zip every 8 minutes.



the yellow seabed is extracting yellow continum energy from your body. Yellow is good and tolerable. Like the mango, this is why we feel weak after swimming in the yellow seabed ocean. We are going back to the eggs, a beginning continum energy of life before orange and pink. This is why, water melon and orange is something the body finds very pleasant after a long swim in the yellow sand.



Since the gravitational field of the earth is pulling to the river bed. It is pulling out brown energy. The colour of human waste, so, that is a good thing. Brown energy is on the strong side, a little too strong. (If the colour of the river is brown, or dark grey, its super good for curing your cancer)


Rule of thumb: Food and drinks

WATER IS THE MOST NATURAL WHEN DOING TREATMENT. Sugar is not bad. If you drink sugar and you spew. Then stop. It means that your body is full of sugary energy. Make your drink from watermelon(soft pink), or ripe mango(yellow), or green skin coconut(sweet and nice is how we roll). 

If ice doesn't feel good. Warm it up. You must enjoy the treatment because it takes long.  


Some cancers are blue. Ice drinks will add blue energy to the drink and will make it more worst. If your cancer is red. Then ice drink will help to cure the cancer. Try, if it makes the strength of the disease stronger, then you should wait until the cancer bubbles after 8 months before you can start drinking ice beer or juice again.


more information on food will be added




Single strand cases(don't worry whether it is single strand or double)


Level 1 cancer

Body is cold, come and go, or permanent.

No pain


Discovery method, refto: curing cancer using your bed sheet and bet cover.

1st 8 weeks of treatment.

Cover the bed with blue sheet. This alone can cure your cancer.

Use maroon, or burgundy sheet.


2nd 8 weeks

Cover the bed with burgundy/maroon

Use brown sheet


3rd set

Cover the bed with brown

Use green sheets(soft green)


4th set

Cover the bed with dark green

User soft pink sheet (soft green, yellow and soft pink are the best colours for the sheets)


Repeat twice and your cancer should be cured. The treatment will take about 18 weeks. If you are not happy with result, then carry on treatment for a total of 40 weeks.

Sometimes people stop early and the cancer comes back. Just repeat the treatment.


It will help to soak in the bath for 2 hours to 4 hours.


Level 2: bloaded, or feeling not at ease 

Purple and or burgundy


1st set

Cover the bed with black sheets. This alone can cure your cancer.

Use blue, and soft blue sheet.


2nd set: 10 weeks of treatment.

Cover the bed with blue sheet. This alone can cure your cancer.

Use maroon, or burgundy sheet.


4th 10 weeks

Cover the bed with burgundy/maroon

Use brown sheet


3rd set

Cover the bed with brown

Use green sheets(soft green)


4th set

Cover the bed with dark green

User soft pink sheet (soft green, yellow and soft pink are the best colours for the sheets)


Repeat twice and your cancer should be cured. The treatment will take about 18 weeks. If you are not happy with result, then carry on treatment for a total of 40 weeks.

Sometimes people stop early and the cancer comes back. Just repeat the treatment.


Bath for 2 hours to 4 hours.


continue from here....

Level 3: Level 1, 2 plus pain and some discoloration

Lost of strength goes to continum bubble 2 or level 2. Pain goes to bubble 2


Level 4: Equlilibrium or maturity of the cancer


Colour of your bed sheet

Start with purple at the bottom. If you body feels better in the morning. Stay with that colour for 8 weeks. 


This will mean that gravity will pull out the purple energy from your body. 


Roof of the house

Paint the ceiling of the room  with green, soft green.(if you can) or just use a green sheet(soft green).


Food to eat

Fruits (all fruits are juicy and watery)

The colour of the skin of the fruit is important. So as the colour of the flesh of the fruit. 


All green skiin fruits(green energy).

All yellow skin fruits(yellow energy).

All brown skin fruits are tolerable because the fruits are a softer type continum energy closer to the flower rather than the stem or roots of the plant.

All red red skin fruits(not too much). You will notice when eating that after a few. The body will be full of red energy.



All meat that turns white after boiling or cooking. Best to cook with water(plus the flavours)

Most sea food are white meat. 

Look at the skin of the sea food

Green is good

Clarity/white, white skin fish and seafood are good because their meat are diluted water continum completion energy type.

Red is good

Yellow is good

Brown is also good

Yellow, orange and pink meat sea food are very good because it steps down the cancer's strength.

Black skin sea food are tolerable but not in high quantity


Crops (potatoes etc)

The same convention of continum energy knowledge base is applied.

Most things in the ground are a dilution of brown and clarity. The rest of the other colours of enegy comes down from the stem and leaves of the tree. Everything are good in moderation. 


Some reaches purple flesh. Eating once a every 8 days is tolerable, ie some yams and kumara are purple. Yellow can be a little too strong for some if the root crops comes from a standing plant like the cassava. This is because standing plants is a layer of strength higher than the crops that crawls on the surface. That makes purple kumara and yam more tolerable to the body eventhough they are purple. A more complete page explaining the continum energy of foods will be put up soon.


Rule of thumb

Grey, purple, burgundy, black, blue and white skin fruits contributes to the cancer, milk and dairy products can be bad depending on the qodine energy of the cancer. If milk makes you spew or feel sick. Then refrain from eating dairy products until the extraction cleans up the body, enough for the body to be able to process oily food.

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