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Send us your poems and if it is good enough for the site. We will publish it with your name. Free poems and Vesai are free for all good use. The paid options, you can read and share, non money.
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Paid pickup lines only
Anywhere in the world, please include the country where the payment is made from. It is your responsibility to pay for the non free pickup lines.
Our Vision

Welcome to Immortality and Poetry, a site dedicated to showcasing the beauty and power of poetry. Our goal is to provide a platform for poets to share their work with the world, and for readers to discover new voices and perspectives. We believe that poetry is a vital part of our cultural heritage, and we are committed to promoting and preserving it for future generations. Whether you are a poet or a poetry lover, we invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and inspiration.
Poetry is happiness
Our vision is to give happiness to every person in the world through the wisdom that comes to life through poetry.
Poetry is sadness
Sadness have a way of shining through poetry. Visitors to this site will find kinds words through poetry that will give them strength and wisdom through poetry.
Poetry is love
The free poems are the cream that you can put in a message you want to send to a person you have fallen in love with. Or a person you would like to fall in love with you.
Poetry for the children
There are poetry that have been written specifically for the younger people. They are funny. They are loving, warm and kind.
Most important of all. Immortality Poetry wants you to tell our poems. Learn our poems and use the poems for good. Any use of these poems in a negative way is risk averse. Meaning, you are responsible for your own use.
Send us your poems and if it is good enough for the site. We will publish it with your name. Free poems and Vesais' are free for all good use. The paid ones', you can read and share, non financial.
Enjoy the Poems and the Vesai.

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