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Scholar Units
Crime Study

Our Story

Learn how we can eliminate unemployment

Learn how we can achieve 0 inflation

Learn how to build economic opportunities for a world of 1 trillion people population

and more


S.c Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele.

Unit 1: The old economics

This unit will bring some sense of understanding to what wealth is and what poverty is.

Why are there more people in poverty?

Why are there less wealthy people than rich people?

How come there are less wealthy people than rich people?


We live in a state of acceptance where the economic simili of gravity is:


"More poor people than rich people"

"Africa is always poor"

" The caucasians are always smarter and richer"


Can we turn this state of truth around? If so, how?


Can we switch off gravity?

Can we switch off gravity and everything will still be ok?


Our situation becomes more complex. How can we switch off gravity? How can we have 8 millionaires and 1 poor person? How can we make 7 billion people into millionaries and 1 billion people as non millionaires? Is having more people in poverty our gravity. Is our state of 7 billion people in poverty our natural growth? We have growth to accept that only a very few that can be rich, or have a million dollar.


I set out on a mission in 2011-2012 to find a way to change this economic situation around. I also set out on a mission to discover a way to switch off gravity. I founded a solution for both problems. S.c Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele

The old economics

We learned about business. We learned about export and import. We learned about taxation. We learned about the market. We learned about cost, price and profit amongst other things. This lead us the our pre government reserve equilibrium. 


Low wage jobs

No job at all


Ok infrastructure such as hospitals, transport and education

Boom and bust, boom and bust, boom and bust economies(the cycles keeps on repeating itself)

Growth to Recession to Growth to Recession(the cycles keeps on repeating itself forever)

Bankruptcy and bad debts, insolvency

Death and debt write-off

Export and import

Competition and competitive advantages

Poverty in Africa, South America, India, Pacific, Asia, wealth in the western world

Invention, intellectual discoveries and war

Wealth, resources and war

Wealth, resources, crime, terrorism and extortion

Wealth, resources, international policy and government

International policy, politics, leadership, international relations, crime and war

Poverty through war, spy, killing, alliances, corporate contracting.

Economics of weapon selling, wealth, black market

Politics, corruption in government

Disease attacks and militarinism

Little wars

World war


no wage

low wage

living on handouts food

living in tents 


The cycle begins again from poverty, bankruptcy, debt writeoff by death, osteridy for another 80 to 100 years before the next world war.


other smaller subpart of the economics are not listed

Unit 2: The new Prosperity Wealth 

Prosperity wealth is a new look at the processes in trade

A new look at the processes of exchange 

It is a new look at wealth

It is a new look at economic acceptance

A discovery system to make everyone in the world a millionaire

Zero taxation

Zero unemployment

Zero poverty

All of our economic challenges.

Unit 3: Trade

At this level of scholarly learning, the focus of the teaching is on how to create a system that is clear from the old knowledge base. 


Point 1

What is generic knowledge in trade?

The inference or use of generic knowledge refers to the things from the past that we cannot trace it's beginning. Generic knowledge also refers to the things that we cannot claim ownership too because its beginning could not be traced.


Point 2

The things that are too simple. Things like, eating. Increasing the price. Reducing the price. Everyone naturally knows that price can be increased or reduced. If you write or create an economic rule, it cannot be a rewrite of someone else's work. It cannot be a copy of someone else's work.


Point 3

How to create your own system.


Point 4

Titesio mavahe: or detached separation. Detached separation is the operating platform of this school of scholar allows for everyone to write their own knowledge without having to worry about the probable of clash discovery. The probable of clash discovery refers to a person's right to create knowledge versus writing a piece of knowledge that is similar to another person's work. In my view, we have the right to write our own knowledge. We date our knowledge where we can. The absolution says, we should always. And when we do readings, we must always reference what we have read from. This is an area of weakness. I myself for one have been reading books without noting that I have read those books. Many of us watch movies, and go on youtube, and the things we see gives us ideas or suggestions into why and how things look the way it looks.

Unit 4: The new Prosperity Wealth 

From this unit forth. We will look at the system I designed to make everyone in the world a millionaire.


Prosperity wealth is a new look at the processes in trade


Some of the major things that are generic from our past.



1. People exchanged things with each other. 

2. People give.

3. People saved food, precious things such as bones and skulls.

4. Work

5. Use tools, such as rocks to throw at each other


When we write knowledge base, we cannot just say that humans did this or that because we were not there.


Let's add a proof

Proof method 1: observation, Monkey observations

Monkeys do all the things presented in Truance 1 to 5.


Proof method 2: Kontinum self

You the person have done these things. For example, you shared your apple with another student in primary school class 1. The next day, your friend came with an orange and you demand your friend for a piece of orange. Or you negotiated for two pieces of the orange rather than just the one piece.


The point that I am making, is as follows. When you write a knowledge base. It is only pure if you did not learn it from someone else. Did you work alone, or did you work with someone else? Are you a team or a group?


Old knowledge..

Money, when you were a little child. There was this thing called money. Your mother, father or brother taught you that you can take that little circular thing, or piece of paper and give it to the school lunch lady and she will give you a little bag of curry. The dollar was already there. The coin was already  there. So, you cannot claim the little coin and the little dollar. But you know, that you exchanged your apple for a piece of orange. You also truanced that a piece of bone was precious and therefore it was exhanged for a big basket of yam or potato. We have given this acceptance. This process of bone exchanging with a bag of yam is found in the simili of a coin or note..


We can supsipose that the coin evolution is an inherited system from the bone trade and rock trade. Or truanced that this is what happened. But we will never know, even though it is very likely. This is when this starts to get important. If you design a system that starts from the notes and coin. The notes and coin owners will strike your work because the notes and coins belongs to them. If your system knows the precious bone trade. Then your system will have clearance from getting blocked by the notes and coin system.


The government reserve human value system realises the bone trade system that goes back millions of years ago. This clears the government reserve system from the monetary system. The next step is the use of the words for instance. The word note. We cannot say that the use of the word note refers to money because that note called money was invented by Mr Smith from the goldsmith era. The government reserve note is a writing with numeral values. The numerals is something we already paid for in school. We are now using those numerals and our knowledge of maths to write a value to the note base of the human value of things. 


Knowledge is about not copying other people's work. Building a system that is different. Using human value to be written onto a note or document or memorandum can either be the same as money using gold values. Or different using human values.

One might challenge that money owned trade value and thereby, the human value note cannot be used in trade. This challenge is over ruled by the bone precious exchange system. Also, the trade process comes before the gold value note. There were trade value notes after the barter system. There were notes on the value of land and farms. Therefore, we are in the clear to create a new human value note, or government reserve value note or world human value note, Once you use the word monetary, it is then referring to money, which belongs the Mr goldsmith.

Unit 5: The new Wealth system


1. Gold mining
2. Diamonds
3. Wealth and exchanging rules
4. Resource growth value
5. Value Notes
6. Precious value system
7. Acceptance

Gold mining

People gained wealth from mining gold. New gold creates new money. This is different from loan and borrow money. New Gold brings new notes and or coins into the hands of the people or the public from the bank.


This also depends on who you are selling to the gold to. If this gold is bought with money that are already in the system then you will get no new added wealth.


very simple solution. yet very hard because there is hardly any gold out there.


1. New factory gold

Can we make real gold from the factory. The answer to this is yes. We can make septillion worth of gold from the factory. Gold is metal and colour gold. I know how to make a solid metal turn gold.


Two ways or methods of making gold rather than collecting gold from the river.

a. continum energy completion and binding. Gold is gold. I can create something that is shiny enough to the liking of the people. This will make it nice and rare. Scarcity or rarity makes platio or platnum precious.


b. The use of quantum printing to achieve both colour and binding strength.


Pla'tio or platnum as a system of wealth:

i) It gets sold in a luxury shop or plat. Plat is a place that sells pla'tio. The precious character of this thing called pla'tio gets build just like a house or a person's raputation in the rugby field or a movie release. The plat must be luxurious, and shiny because these are the things that humans elevates too.


2) It's value is given the luxury placement. Small or tiny for a huge price is a start. Unaffordability at the plat or the shop.


3. Knowing that people don't have to buy this ple'tio. yet it will still gain value that holds or doesn't fall apart or deflate is part of this discovery.

After the built phase, the ple'tio will then have acceptance in trade. Some will buy 1 pound of ple'tio for $100,000 or $10,000, or $500,000.


4. It needs a big rock vintage look building, or tower as its storage head quarter or facility. Image has value. But, it can also be stored in a little garage location somewhere, unannounced to the public.


5. It gets deployment videos released into youtube. Documentries and t.v programs.


6. If and when the bad people steals the pla'tio. It will make the news. O O someone robbed the pla'tio exchange. And the pleti keeper will announce that $100 million or $3.4 billion worth of pla'tio was lost during the robbery(I have just changed pla to ple, plat to pleti exchange). Pla sound fake. The word exchange is use because people can bring anything and everything to exchange for pla'tio value notes or pla'tio itself. The monalisa can be exchange for 100 pounds of platio.


7. Trade or exchange flexibility: At anytime, you can bring the pla'tio and exchange them for pla'tio value note.


8. Rocks and shells will not work without a comprehensive strategy that protects the value.

Unit 5.2: Diamonds


1. Gold mining
2. Diamonds
3. Government reserve system
4. Reserve banking government memorandum
5. Government reserve value notes
(needs clearance from the owner of the banking system)
6. International Monetary Fund value notes

7. World bank accounting method
8. Acceptance
9. Human value
10. Rule base
11. China Infrastructure bank
12. European Union Banking strategy



The diamonds gets the build and deployed the same way. In this particular strategy, The diamond needs to be special, or have a quality that makes it stand out, unique or nice and thereby, wanted by someone or the people. 


A rare find, I have decided to make the founding science of the diamonds available to the public.


Sometimes after I started looking for a solution for the stagnation in the economics of the world. I decided to create a new wealth system. I decided to use science from physics to create diamonds.. They are shiny, and it shines with different of the founding requirements for the diamonds.

Unit 5.3: Government reserve


1. Gold mining
2. Diamonds
3. Government reserve system
4. Reserve banking government memorandum
5. Government reserve value notes
(needs clearance from the owner of the banking system)
6. International Monetary Fund value notes

7. World bank accounting method
8. Acceptance
9. Human value
10. Rule base
11. China Infrastructure bank
12. European Union Banking strategy
13. Value bubbling
14. I.O.U value system of exchange 

Government Reserve​


The government and its authorities or right to make law became one of the entities that I looked at at the time.​ This was after a revised look at the economics from the old knowledge base. Many people thinks that the bank is a government organisation. Many people don't care.


..The main questions at the time was as follow:

..Why do the government borrow?

..Why do the government write out government bonds? (In this system, the government gives out an I owe you note to the people. The people then give the government their money to use in the running of the government. In return, the government needs to pay the people the loan amount plus interest. It's a loan and borrowing scheme.

..Can the government pay those bonds with interest?

..Why don't the government make their own money?

..Printing money doesn't work.

..It is not part of the economics that we know.

..It is not in the economics that have been founded.

..Our knowledge of wealth tells us that we have to give a block of gold to the bank, or create something to sell to get money. Or, we must borrow from the bank. The bank people owns the gold and the notes and coins.

..Could this be reason why the government never though about creating their own money. Can it work?

..Is it possible to do this, the quick answer is yes.

..Can it work, we are back to asking whether it can work?

..Printing money is illegal.

..Will it be legal to print money from the government? Or is it a breach of the banking system ownership right of the system or discovery that is the notes and coins.


From these many questions, I needed to look at all these different points and try to find out whether we can create wealth this way, non taxation wealth. If we can get it to work. Do the legal test and check to see whether it can pass. If it can work and if I passes the legal test. Then it must written to an economic or wealth system and send to the parliament so that we can fund everything including our student loan and $1 million - $10 million dollar mansions.


I checked a few days ago and my student loan that paid for University study in Economics was $106,000.00. In around 2011 whilst in Australia after graduating with my University degree. I realised, that it will be a huge struggle to pay off my $106,000.00 dollar student loan. So I started working on the new economics that I now call the Wealth system.

​ took me 3 months to find these economic solutions and a little over 3 years to study its effects on jobs, resources, government, price and the different economic sectors of the community. By the end of the 3rd year, I was confident that the system will work either way, regardless. There is a now many ways of running and managing this wealth system to make the dream of being able to become a millionaire or billionaire come true, not just for myself but for everyone else likewise.


The eye opening moment came to me when I realised that my children could end up in poverty if I don't do something about the economic situation that we are living in. There is a high chance that I will be the only person to make a break through and understand why we are struggling economically around the world. We never thought that there is something wrong with the economic. In other cases, people never knew that there is something we can do about the economic. For this to happen, we must see that there is something wrong first. I discovered short after that the problem was too big for us to see. It was similar to us on the surface of the earth, not thinking about what the worms are doing underneath our feet. Or Jupiter and Venus, we never think about it. Or trying to have another look at death and maybe trying to bring the dead back to life. It was illusive. It was impossible. It was illusive because it was impossible. How can we make every person in Africa a millionaire. Impossible!!. How about something a little easier. Create a strategy to give everyone in Africa a job so we can eliminate their hunger and poverty. There are 1.49 billion people in Africa. (world meter data) Still impossible will be the answer of most to all. Still impracticable and thereby impossible will be my answer prior to the government reserve system discovery.


This discussion will now include employment because it is now possible to eliminate unemployment and have a country at full employment. It is now possible to have the whole world at full employment. We can also achieve this with the pla'tio wealth creation method.  


From here on, it is super easy. first we have to complete the writing up of the government reserve system knowledge base.

Unit 5.3: The government reserve system
Bank and government partnership

The very first system started with the making of value notes or wealth through a piece of legislation from the government. I wrote this system for the world but was first noted to be deployed through the United States. I made some calculations and realised that their economic is the next to go into recession. It could be another great depression. My operating method was to start simple, so I chose to omit the worries of dealing with the banking system. The goal at this early stage of the government reserve system was to deploy through the government and the banking system because they own the monetary system including the notes and coins. Let's be friends and build a team that operates on fair understandings for the purpose of helping the people whilst making a dollar. This rewriting of exchange system, at the time I refer to it as an extension of the economics. It turned to a rewrite when government reserve system became everything in trade, the process of exchange and all human needs and wants amongst other things. This is the point where I realised that it has it's own state completion because its rules are different from the rules and behaviours of economics. Back to the starting of the government reserve. We were talking about the government teaming up with the banks that owns the notes and coins. 


I would have set it up close to this articulation..

We the government, or the government have an advantage. This advantage is the 'legal tender' legalised status of the dollar and the coin with its value. On the dollar note, it says 'this note is legal tender' or 'legal tender note'. From a government standpoint, we can take off the 'legal tender' status of the bank note. This will weaken the note and put the notes and coins system in a vulnerable position. This vulnerability can be as serious as a collapse of the value of the dollar which can drive the bank's value to become close to being worthless. This will work. Could there be other legal loop ownership blocks. Ah!! the founder of the legal tender system owns the system even though the legalising part belongs to the government. ..well, I can also see that with the governments backing. This should be enough to get the government notes to be accepted by the shops and everything else. We leafed into legal tender. Lets go back to the system that I designed to bring the government and the bank together. A piece of legislation, legalising the printing of notes. This is key to the success of the system. If we tell the bank, they can print 10% of that value as their commission for printing the people's notes. Then we have a fair deal. The government gets the funds, it is not a loan. It is an economic fund, or economic cheque. The bank on the other hand, for the use of their system gets 10%. For instance, if we want to give everyone in the country $1 million dollars to pay off their mortgages or buy, or build a new home. The government gets the funds for free. The bank and their shareholders gets a 10% profit instantly. Before this was illegal, some cases no one thought that they can create wealth  within the bank this way.


Home build case

333.3 million people multiply by $1 million equals to a total of 333.3 trillion.


From this one program alone, the bank makes 33.33 trillion overnight. I think I articulated at the time, that I should get 1/3 of the 10 percent or 3.33 and the parliament gets 1.77% and the bankers gets 5%. Or, I get my 33.3% and the bank gets 66.6% of the 33.33 trillion. The members of the government gets a payrise through the LACA project, which is a more fair return for their contribution. This program alone would have earned me 11.1 trillion us dollars.


So this is the first core knowledge in the development of the government reserve. The economic was the first system designed after my energy discovery, the dead revive update and age reversal in 2011. The next challenge was to create another wealth system that can be implemented through the government alone just incase the bank people don't support the system.

Unit 5.3: The government reserve system
Government Stand-alone

A stand-alone system needs to check if there is an intellectual property ownership block.


1. Ownership of the goldsmith note system

2. Ownership of the legal tender system


1. Ownership of the goldsmith note system

Pointer 1 is the piece of paper that is called money. We learned through economics that Mr Smith owns the note call money that we use to buy things. If we get permission from Mr Smith to use this note. Than we can go forth and print the notes from the government. Mr Smith is also the bank. It's two very similar things, but without the gold.


Do we need Mr Smith?

Our system is about human needs. The notes that we are printing is not a representation of the value of gold but human needs and the power of the government to legislate. From memory, what I grabbled with was value or things we can use as value. I ended up asking whether we can turn the needs of the people into monetary value or a value system. Maybe a human value system? It is not money because money is based on gold. It is not an I Owe You value note because you don't owe anyone. The system clears both the money system and the I.O.U system.

(The discussion then leaf into the other matters in dual fairness in stages of undecided. Go to the dual fairness extension for further information)


Since the system clears, we must give the highest due respect to the Smith and continue the building and development of the government reserve system as it will eliminate poverty and give Mr Ekoti something more than the jobseeker support pay he is currently getting per week.



Dual fairness

What about the value and writing it down?





What about the fact that the new system will crush the old economic system because my learning in economics was done through the goldsmith system? Is it acceptable to build a system that will crush the system of knowledge that I learned from. 



We have established that the two systems are different and in their own knowledge core. Could it have been possible to build the government reserve system without the economic system? Is paying for that knowledge at university enough?



If they had known that my learning of their economics will lead to the creation of the government reserve system. Which will destroy their monetary system. Would they let me learn economics?



Would you? Would they? Would I?




Should we stop progress into discoveries and knowledge advancement just because we cannot run a system that can destroy the contributing knowledge to our success. Are there contributing knowledge? 




The due regards will turn generic in the absolution. Just because I know that the due regards tracks back trillions of years. This limits the obligation of the learner of knowledge to the owner of knowledge to what they discovered. Therefore, the payment for the course clears what the student learn to become a contributing knowledge to all new discoveries made by the student without obligation to the knowledge already paid for. Acceptance


I must now present a gift to the owners of the old economics that I learned from and give them acceptance in to the world knowledge base at Tier 1 for the Smith and Tier 2 to all other economic base knowledge from micro and macro economics. The banking system and the Smith are not at a loss. They have become the richest people on earth because of their discoveries over the many years they have operated their banks. Life and progress is a system of inherited knowledge that have been passed on from one person or one group to another over the many trillions of years of our existence, many of which occurred without fair due regards. The ancestors of people that were holders of knowledge, inherited with and from time to time without, fair due regards would support the giving of the right to the government to implement the government reserve system. A system that will benefit us all, their loved children. (case close, acceptance and completion identified) 





Unit 5.4: Another system of wealth
I owe you or negative value notes

The I owe you principle goes back many many years. It became the part of the beginning of the monetary system. I owe you $10 or I owe you $100,000. This I owe you is based on things that has been done, or things that will be done. For the most part, the I owe you is on things that have been done. 



Person A have built your boat. You owe person A $50,000 for the building of your boat. This system didn't really expand to a bank on it's own. The gold were the beginning of the bank. The I.O.U became the loans through the banking system.



Going back to human nature and many incidents of I.O.U system. The first I.O.U could have happened trillions of years ago. We are now free to use our natural behaviour of doing things and say. I will pay later, or I owe you this for such and such. What interest me in the beginning is this human nature. We are able to do work for nothing. This work has value. THIS IS KEY because we now have a beginning. Imagine trying to build a bank and you have no money to lend out. For any system to work there must be an ability and a capability to do such work in the beginning. I will infer that I am not the only one that knows about this value. The many people that knows about this value. No one could identify that it can be build to a 100 trillion or 100 quadrillion value system. I am now in the clear to design and built this value system based on I.O.U alone.


Part 1

Without the government

We call a town meeting, bring people together to say. We have no money from the bank but we have realised that we can be wealthy without those money. We have new value system. We can write a note of the price of things that we have, products or services. We show this to other members of the community or country. If they think that the value we given them for their product is enough. They will then accept, or not. Here is how it will work:


We start by doing work or selling products. If you are a fisherman. You go out and catch your fish. Let's say that you price 5 fish at the place value number 10. Our IOU will look like this.. 

I.O.U value note China.png

We have clearance that we can make these value notes. In my earlier note, the first notes represents the denominations.

I:1 is the note identifier

I:1 is 10 = I10,00

I:2 is  100 = I100.00

I:3 is 1000 = I1000.00

I:4 is 10,000 = I10,000.00

I:5 is 100,000 = I100,000.00

I:6 is 1,000,000 = I1,000,000.00

I:7 is 10,000,000 = I10,000,000.00

I:8 is 100,000,000 = I100,000,000.00

I:9 is 1,000,000,000 = I1,000,000,000.00

I:10 is 10,000,000,000 = I10,000,000,000.00

The stack of note denomination goes accordingly.


The core reason why there is poverty is because of the economic system, or trading system or system of exchange. Let's go to deployment.


Phase 1

This is the non government strategy. Most importantly, this is our note. We have done these work and that's its value. Since Mr A, B and C owes us this value for the work that we have done. When we give this note to Mr D for his loaf of bread, or bag of sugar. Mr A must turn up and do what Mr D wants him to do because the note says that that's what the accepted value is. Even if the government tries to crush us, or the I.O.U note. They could not, because every value on the note has been earned. This is crucial for the deployment at phase 1. There are other strategies of value like, an 'I am willing value', or i.a.w(IAW). This is uneforceable, because the work has not been done. The value system can collapse, or shutdown for derelect of value or something similar.


Phase 2

Phase 2 is based on the discovery that made through the other economic systems including the government reserve. My discovery tells me, that after phase 1. The country have acceptance. We can then create any value for as long as there is a need or want at such value. We can then create the value notes based on those values. This is the part that leafs or extends to the use of human value. For example, people needs food or wants new clothes. We made some valuations and gave it the value of I100,000.00. All the people that wants new clothes comes to the repository and get 100,000.00 and the rest of their day or week or month. They use it to go out and spend their 100,000.00. 


Core knowledge Inclusion

The inclusion comes from knowing that the hardworking business person or trader that are trying to sell their product, wants the customer to spend their 100,000.00 in their shop or restaurant regardless of where the money comes from. It can be loan, or an earnings. No one really care at this point. They all want to make money. They all want to be able to afford a I10,000,000.00 home or a holiday to New York or Europe or Beijing.


This is a solution

It now has completion because it is legal and it completes the purpose of eliminating poverty.

This system can bring prosperity.

This system can make every one in the world a millionaire.

This is an economic system, not printing bank notes.

This is not money printing.

Money printing is illegal.


I created the same strategy for the u.s.a. The purpose for this was to create another option that can worth without the government. From time to time, it becomes hard to get things done through the government. China is an economic strength. In the Kevin Phong strategy, it involves getting members of the police to walk behind Phong for his security, the image link back to the government. Value can be paid, but this is not necessary. We can use a rich and or famous person or business people.


Phase 4

Deployment system knowledge

The other note that was written for the u.s.a and China was on getting support from networks to accept the note. It is as simple as getting shop A to J or some people to give the note acceptance. This is another way of deploying an I.O.U system. Other inclusions can be added to these first 4 cores to make the system more dynamic and functional.

Interesting factual reading

Unit 2.2: Live operant method

Operating on a body still alive

Body part replacement


Make sure that the body in operant health. Else put the body to sleep and do a dead revive after. This reduces the unnecessary need to monitor life and maintain life when operating on the body.. If the choice is to connect the body parts using the live operant method.


'What the hell am I doing writing surgery procedures without medical training. It's because I understand everything about the body including the fluid inside, the bones and the breaths that we breathe. allow me to teach you a thing or two.'



Open operant

Stuktio the body to stop the stored energy of the body from draining out.​ The body will then adjust to the new equilibrium settlement.




Method 1: Live operant



You need a spray, buy one or make your own. This spray will be a natural continum stepping spray that helps to feed the tissues of the body during operation. 

Create clove coating (only operate without cloves if it is a last resort situation)

Coconut juice, brown squeezed coconut will be a compatible coating for the cloves.


Hygene fakau

  1. Operating without cloves

  2. Create a green or yellow hand wash to use

  3. Regular cleaning of your hand with water

  4. Coat with white squeezed coconut every time

  5. Every time you operate on a new part of the body. Use new instrument or wash everything before you proceed. Every part of the body have different energy continums. Contaminations happens when the different continum fluid gets mixed up. 

  6. Stukto shield every wound before you proceed to the next. 

  7. Use purified non chemical operating water.

Operating fakau

Use a body map if you can access one to see the veins, arteries and nerves. Some are computerised. There are also softwares that self narrate the operating procedure. Use then if you have access to one.


Starters without

Let the body settle

Inspect the operant area to identify the nerves, arteries, veins, and white continum completion flow tissue. Movements is quantum science.

Carefully stuktio to the veins, arteries, and any white continum matter that is strong enough to be a string. Many refers to these as nerves. I call it flow conti.

Stuktion the different layers. Quantum dry the stuktio.

Tidy up  as you go through

Bring the two parts together. Stuktio all the way to the surface layer.

Move to recovery



Keep the quantum sweeping going until. Stuktio the surface until the wound is healed. 

Sweep to stop any pain.

Sweep to keep the wound healthy.


If you have no access to the map of the body's veins, arteries and nerves. 


Open join

shield both surface then start operating preparation of both the donor body part and the body of the patient.


Unit 3: Compatibility

Understanding compatibility

Can anybody's heart be made to be compatible with another person's heart, leg or head.

If we need to replace a person's head. Can we just use any other person's head, or ear, or nose.

The purpose of this unit is to provide information that will make the Sinoktio work. Unit 2 covered how we can operate on a person to replace his or her head with another person's head. Or how to replace a person's lung or heart with another person's heart or lung. The inference of difference versus the inference of a simili.


A female has long hair. A male have long hair too. A female have a chest that shapes like to high mountains. A male have a chest that shapes like two little hills. Does that tell us anything about body part replacement. Their legs and hearts fits the simili rather than an inference of an incompatibility. Blah blah blah or true science. Blah blah blah or something yet to be discovered. I'll tell you the answer in this section. For now, I will tell you that we can replace the head on one person with the head of another person.

Unit 2: Creating your on stuktio

In this unit, students will be taught on how to make stuktio. 

Unit 2: Creating your on how to make operating equipment

In this unit, students will be taught on how to make operating equipment

Unit 2: Creating your on how to make operating pain relief

This unit will teach the student quantum science level 1 up to level 5. With this knowledge, you the student will be able to make any form of faito'o to the different purposes you will discover in the due regard of what is needed as a Sinokna. You must get approval from the school of scholar before you can proceed to use the knowledge you learn from this unit to make faito'o (or medicine). To have the right to make faito'o for other diseases. You must have acceptance to the Scholar in faito'o.


Here is an example, a special type of sugar can be used as stuktio 

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