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Prosperity Wealth

Taxation got us this far

Prosperity Wealth is the scholar system I created. Another option and a new way of funding everything in the world through the government. Through the reserve bank. Through the international monetary fund. Through the world bank. Or, through commercial banks. The Prosperity wealth looks at everything from gold, silver and other precious metals to government and economic rules.

A synopsis of the different systems

1. Government Reserve Economics
2. Reserve Bank Economic Cheque
3. International Monetary Fund banking voucher system, Government Economic Cheque
4. World bank funding model (foreign AID)
5. China Infrastructure Bank (Africa project)
6. E.U Aid
7. U.S.A aid (congress funding government reserve)

The scholar units will cover these different prosperity wealth systems to the specifics

The word cheque must be changed to note, as in holding value note, or notification note. Or Suktu (pronounced shoe k tu) a memoradum of value.

On the note or memorandum, small for convenience and efficiency to carry. It says

International Monetary Fund
Government Suktu

IMF S 1000.00

Memorandum value Suktu

other values
IMF S 10,000.00
IMF S 100,000.00
IMF S 1,000,000.00

This is a system of prosperity wealth. This note enters the process of exchange. Now, the fundamental behind this system is nothing more than having a structure, with a note, notification, or memorandum where the value of exchange is not abused.

What is the value of exhcange?
The value of exchange is the value we put on the services and product we put in the market for sale.

Why is this value of exhange important?
The value represent my effort and the sweat and tears I have put into farming the fish or potato you buy. You have value that you hold. If I want that value. I will then accept what you have. We have not reached the note yet. In the barter system, one will walk around with a bag of potatoe and try to exchange then with bread or a fish. The natural progression of trade lead to people using verbal note. Here is an example

Two people went out fishing. One cause 8 fishes, the other caught none. The one that has none then tell the one that caught the 8 fish. How about giving him 2 fishes for his family's Sunday meal. In return, he will give him a battery for his radio. We have just seen a value base notification system. The guys could say, 1 battery, or 2 batteries. We are now using quantity valueation in our note or memorantum of understanding or brotherhood deal, or fisherman to fisherman agreement.

Back in the caves of Australia and many parts of the world are writings of counting numbers most likely. I carved a note on a tree once. The same incident could have taken place 10 trillion years ago in a cave or tree somewhere. We are now cleared to write value note or memorandum or IMF Suktu. We can now pay for the projects that the countries of the world could not afford. Prosperity Wealth core 1, pay off our debts.

Would we have any problems with acceptance? 
No because our service is to provide the structure that secures the values of the peoples goods and services. The body that is the government is reliable enough for the people to use their notes. The everyday people will only look at the note and say, its from the government. It's good. Acceptance is now achieved.
The IMF S 10,000.00 or IMF M 10,000.00 (m for memorandum) or IMF N 1,000.00 will all work. This is the arrangement.

10,000.00 is a Suktu (we don't want the people that own the ($) dollar sign to block us. I like the word Suktu, it means suki papa.

Here is the updated system for the IMF platform
1000.00 is a note

1,000.00 is a suktu = IMF N 1,000.00
10,000.00 is a suktu = IMF S 10,000.00
100,000.00 is a Love = IMF L 100,000.00
1,000,000.00 is a Memorandum = IMF M 1,000,000.00
100,000,000.00 is a Prosperity = IMF P 100,000,000.00
1,000,000,000.00 is a Rose = IMF R 1,000,000,000.00

Do we need a IMF 100.00?
We can add an aid?

10.00 is a Poverty = IMF POV 10.00
100.00 is a Aid = IMF A 100.00

We then add a picture of our planet onto the Prosperity and a picture of an emond to the rose, a picture of rose and a heart to Love. Plus important things around the world. If the IMF Notes are for the USA, we can print the note with the design specific to the usa, or Middle Zone or Afghanistan etc. The notes will then get physical economic human service or physical economic human product when it is used in the exchange process. Everything that has good human value can be funded from the IMF.

History of the Suktu
(naughty or angry or bad people will make fun of our new memoradum of value). We must not cry because they are laughing but celebrate because they don't know that it is worth hundreds of trillions of diamonds, or things new houses or new cars.

We the people want a fully paid $2 million dollar home each for free.
Thank you imf and government.

And please pay dead revive founder Mr Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele for our dead revive, age reverse and cure to all the diseases. We also don't want to grow old and die. We want to live forever. And can we please all get a 

IMF M 1,000,000.00 each
The bread is still $1.20. And please don't give us a POV because it will make us sad, and maybe angry. Thank you for your understanding. The Minister of finance of New Zealand said "there will be price instability". I send him an earlier email saying the same thing. I disagreed because I have been working on prosperity wealth since 2008 and 2011. I have a system that will keep the price of the bread and all other products of necessities at zero inflation if needs to. This was achieved between 2012 to 2015. The price of the bread will still be $1.20 1 million years from now, if needs to. Maybe $2 dollars 1 million years from now due to extremely low inflation and or deflation.

Further talk on acceptance
Government of the people or Government of the king

The people wants a system that does not pay tax. The people want a system gives them 50,000 value note each. This start puts everyone a head of their current situation. The system can work side by side with the current value note system supported by the value of gold. Or it will work on its own, which means, that everyone with a bank balance must bring evidence of their bank balance, and it will be given the same value in IMF Government note. This is a major funding system for humanity. It needed a discovery. It needed legal compliance. It needed the government of the people. Thank you king for giving the government back to the people. I will give you fair value from the IMF or from Prince William of Wales and his Bank(my project Professor William if did not get the right memo). I " the founder of the new economic I must always be a champion for fairness and fair value." The economic discoveries makes the point of difference.

We are free to choose however and whatever, in the due regards of the rules of law that our accepted government system legalises for us all, as equal people to follow. I respeet all but my heart is with the government of the people, voted for and run by the people as equal people.

ooh thanks IMF, Can you give an IMF 5 tillion to the New Zealand government at your earliest convenience. Do you need me to co-sign the cheque?

This is what the school of scholar is about. The Scholar in Wealth prosperity teaches or shows the students how prosperity is created. The Scholar is Wealth Prosperity teaches the students the many trillions of things in this Scholar.
Read through the scholar units or enrol now



Can we replace a hand with another human hand.


The birth of Sinokna start from knowing that we can replace a hand with another hand. We can replace a thumb with another thumb. Has this been done before. Well, we still see people with ambutated legs and hand. We still see people with artificial hands and legs. This tells me that there is either a zero success in this field of sinokna or very high failure hence why people have artificial body part on none after an ambutation.


What could be the problem?

  • Attachement and Growth

  • Connecting the body part ie nerves, blood vessels etc


What can we do to make Sinokna a success? Is it possible to connect two body parts?

The school of scholar in Sinokna looks at the complex quantum growth of the body. It then looks at the probables that will give success to Sinokna. At the end of your scholar, you will be able to take these findings and discoveries and start creating your own method of Sinokna.


A fundamental take on Sinokna

A leg is missing or have been amputated. You cut off a donor leg. look for the major veins and arteries. You connect then together.  Don't worry, no one else can do it. It could not get any worse. According to our knowledge of continum human. It will take 1 or 2 for those that are very intellectually talented. It will take up to 8 tries for those that are not as good. Dogs, pigs, a knife, stuktio(clue), a few bandages and what you are about to learn will take you to success. A Sinokna acceptance.


The school of scholar focuses on teaching you why it is impossible. The school focuses on teaching you the student how to make a successful body part replacement. The school focuses on teaching you now to make a successful body part replacement all the time. Nothing is quaranteed in health in the due regrard acceptance that there a billions of things that can go wrong. Enrol and learn from the best that the Ekoti Scholarly school of Sinokna. You can also enrol with the school of Sinok o'.


Enrol now


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A good script line

I lived yesterday for you. I am living today for you. And if I die in war tomorrow because of you. Which I most certainly do not want to see happen. Then so be it,. because of you.


A good screenwrite

Two sitting on the corner, both in full military uniform covert in mud, rain pouring down. sound: explosion.

shot: droplet of water falling down, skip: slow motion(water droplets landing on the surface of a buddle pool of brown dirty water on the side of the street.(minimal bgsound)

shot: muddy hand holding a riffle by the trigger, blood trenching through hand,  cutto shot

shot: head of a bomb speeding down through the rain, front scene drop(city, street through the middle, with street lights)

shot: both soldiers (head sholder), slow moving camera(high energy sound)

soldier 1: In peace I lived for you. I am living today because of you. And if I die in war before daylight because of you.(cry studder shiver) Which I most certainly (bomb shot) do not want to happen. (strength)Then so be it,. because of you(snip shot: front of the bomb falling infront of the two, (cutto)



Screen writing
Camera work
Sound and production
and more

Science of fuel
Science of engine
Energy fields
Human science
Continum qodine shields

and more

Writing methods
Beat and production 

and more

Science of fuel
Science of engine
Types of energy
Electric engines
Water engines
Capsule engines

and more


Websites with free stuff



For all (0- any age)

Write up submission
8 refto accepted to the world knowledgebase

Presentation and getting support for the refto to be accepted into the knowledge base

The Akatemia is achieved. One refto can be worth between 800 million and 40 billion dollars.

Fee: $1 million enrolment plus
20% to 50% of the acceptance value eg. if the acceptance is 40 billion or more. You will pay 20% to 50% depending on your contribution to the refto and the contribution made by the school of scholar. 
It comes with a big party and a the academic accolade.

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