The road to success is to invest in learning high value skills
The school of scholar in Crime Study

Who are the cores of crime?
Why is there crime?
Role of the kings and their monarchy in crime?
Eliminating crime
Running and managing a zero crime world
The future
Your contribution
Your publish work
Must Read
To be able to use this knowledge, you must be accepted to the school Ekoti of scholar.
The word dictator puts the Kings and Queens and their monarchies at the top of the crime families of the world running countries and governments.
The word military is mostly not connected to crime. The school of scholar have identified that the military is the second core of crime in the stack of criminals in the world.
The word judges in a crown law country is never connected to crime or organised crime families yet when we include the Kings and their monarchy. All judges then become a core crime taking orders from the king.
A team of crown police is never seen as a core of crime. In a democracy or people government county. The police is not a core of crime. In a monarchy, the police is a core criminal organisation.
Street gangs and crime families are the lower levels of criminals.
There are many on offer to students who takes this study scholar.
Learn from the best. Enrol now!​
We are also recruiting new staff
Message 022 194 6380
Email, name, field, academic achievement
Wait for an invitation email
Enrolment process
1. Pick a course
2. Upload your documents
3. Fill the enrolment form and send
We are currently setting up the student loan facility for the local students. This is unavailable at this time.
Once the student's enrolment is received. It will take 2-8 days working days to be processed.
Your place in the Akatemia program is then confirmed via direct email with all the course admission documents.
Sign the documents, take a snapshot then send the documents back to the Ekoti School of Song writing and production. It must also have the receipt of the course payment.
Once your payment is received. Your song writing training will then start immediately.
Akatemia 1
4 years to 12 years
The continum growth of humans tells us that a little person is ready to start learning about song writing at this age. At the end of the course, your child will have a portfolio of songs and a website publishing the work in the public domain.
Course time: 4 years old to 8 years old.
Time: 4 years.
fee: $4000.00 nzd local(per year)
International students: $40,000.00
Akatemia 2
komple' 1
8 plus years to 12 years
At the end of the course, your child will have a portfolio of songs and a website publishing the work in the public domain.
More skills are learned, more songs to publish and sell. The Akatemia student will also be taught in how to write songs for the 8 to 20 years listeners.
Course time: 4 years old to 8 years old.
Time: 4 years.
fee: $4000.00 nzd local(per year)
International students: $40,000.00
Akatemia 4
Post-Graduate entry level
Students and Professionals
Course time: 2 to 4
(qualify with a neuvle')
Performing arts degree, or anyone with a degree.
Fee: $4000.00 nzd local(per year)
International students: $40,000.00
Akatemia 5
20 plus years to 26 years
The course learning is base on learning how to create, innovate legally and invent your own knowledge. The Akatemia program is no about what others have done. It focuses of teaching you how to invent your own knowledge and techniques in song writing.
Course time: 4 years old to 8 years old.
Time: 4 years.
fee: $4000.00 nzd local(per year)
International students: $40,000.00
All price in New Zealand Dollars
Akatemia 3
komple' 3
12 plus years to 20 years
At the end of the course, your child will have a portfolio of songs and a website publishing the work in the public domain.
Focus: Identifying the things that makes a hit song. Improving areas of weakness. Writing popular songs. Learning the structures in song writing.
Course time: 12 years to 20 years old.
Time: 4 years.
fee: $4000.00 nzd local(per year)
International students: $40,000.00
Akatemia 6
For all (0- any age)
At this level, you will work with me on your song writing and production. Your songs will either be a co-write or an acceptance. The third platform is myself giving you a grade on your specific write. You will achieve this accolade after your write is produced and deployed earning 10 million dollars of more.
Course time: no limit.
Time: no limit
Domestic and local students
$1 million nzd. Per submission fee is $250,000.
International students
$10 million. Per submission fee is $1 million
Start the enrolment
1. Fill in the program you wish to do.
2. Upload your documents
3. Fill the enrolment form and send
4. Wait for your acceptance reply. Reply within 2 to 8 days
5. Payment of the Akatemia program
6. Program starts
We are currently setting up the student loan facility for the local students. This is unavailable at this time.
Paying for your program
Soletrader merchant account
Bank name: Bank of New Zealand
Bank Account Number: 02 - 0224 - 0134825 - 014
Owner name: Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele School of Scholar
All countries that runs the government reserve have permission to run a special program to pay all cost for students who get acceptance into the Ekoti School of Scholar. With the acceptance letter from the Ekoti School of Scholar. Anyone in the world can apply to their government for this funding program where it is available.
Option 2 is to pay through a student loan or privately.
From the owner of the government reserve system, S.c Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele.
Enrolment form
You must also fill the online enrolment form