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The school of scholar in Crime Study

Who are the cores of crime?
Why is there crime?
Role of the kings and their monarchy in crime?
Eliminating crime
Running and managing a zero crime world
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The word dictator puts the Kings and Queens and their monarchies at the top of the crime families of the world running countries and governments.
The word military is mostly not connected to crime. The school of scholar have identified that the military is the second core of crime in the stack of criminals in the world.
The word judges in a crown law country is never connected to crime or organised crime families yet when we include the Kings and their monarchy. All judges then become a core crime taking orders from the king.
A team of crown police is never seen as a core of crime. In a democracy or people government county. The police is not a core of crime. In a monarchy, the police is a core criminal organisation.
Street gangs and crime families are the lower levels of criminals.
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