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Movie: Manioke

First release: Animation
Make to a real person
Characters is made to the look of the voice characters
Movie is about a cassava tree

Manioke: I have a pot

Scene 1: bgsound, blackscreen

Narration: (Masiu)A handful of dirt. Soil to be cultivated. There is much to tell. There are many to say about this little plant. The manioke.(sound: digging into the ground(cow walking on the ground))
(magic drizzle sound)

(normal, break the voice a little, tone)Deep in the Pacific. A tiny little island(spacer) (emphasise a little)Tonga and its people started (bgsound starts, worrying)to run out of food. (goats crying)
(piano coming through, building, slow vibe)

shot: fading in, brown blackish soil, long rows in an empty field. shot start to elevate slowly. (bgsound edging(sad vibe)). coming to shot, skinny dog standing infront, guey saliva draping from its mouth.

shot: slows down infront, change musical arrangement, (build to a slow pleaing desperation)
4 other dogs comes into shot. shot: moving forward, low speed insync to the beat of the music.

(low voice, god sings)
There- ---- are no food left to eat.
There--- no water to drink (the colour of the soil slowly turns to grey dust.
Our parents are dead
Eaten by the humans (slow barely able to sing sound and vibe)

shot: four very skinny dogs(puppies)
[harmonising(very smooth sound, perfect voice, soft and sweet)]

(high tone)
"the humans eats our parents"
shot: skinny flappy(used to be chubby) dog, on the other side(almost standing inline but a little to the back.
"the humans ate my dad"
sings with a low frown voice
shot: another skinny (used to be chubby)dog
"and my mommy too"
(they are singing to a cassava plant(or a head dog we will decide later depending on the building of the script)

(low voice, god sings)
There- ---- are no food to eat.
There--- no water to drink (the colour of the soil slowly turns to grey dust.
And we are hungry
And we are thirsty

shot: four very skinny dogs(puppies)
[harmonising(very smooth sound, perfect voice, soft and sweet)]
Give us some food to eat.

(very low voice)
Give us food to eat.


Works from the past on movies



Let it go (Idina Manzel)

Let it go(Demi Lovato)

all the movie sound track


Beauty and the Beast

Ariana Grande, John Legends

movie sound track

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