You go to work. You come back home. 100% percent of the time. Everything is normal.
Creating domestic violence
This will give a little hint into how this technology that I invented to do good has been used to create assault domestic violence in young people relationship.
phase 1
The brain machine is used to send a thought to your brain saying that your other half is lazy. Or the brain machine is used to send a thought to your brain saying, your hot girl have had sex with another guy while you were at work.
phase 2
You got angry
phase 3
you are energised to become more angry
you are energised or send a thought to beat her up
phase 4
you got up and punch her in the face
now she has a black eye and/or shattered lips

who is the criminal? the person that punched her face? OR THE PERSON THAT USED THE BRAIN MACHINE TO MAKE HIM PUNCH HER FACE?