Phase 1
You are sitting with someone ugly looking. The brain machine is used to pump in like. Like can be triggered by the look. But ultimately, it is a particular level of energy continum.
Phase 2
You are walking with this person to the dairy or to the movie, or around the University campus.
Phase 3
You are sitting at cafe having lunch. The brain machine pumps in energy to make like, then to make you feel horny or mesmarised. Before lunch ends, you the ugly person is kissing the cure girl.
Phase 4
The brain machine sends your brain a message(comes as a thought, or a thinking) to go with the ugly dude to his or your apartment and have sex.
This is rape in this particula of modern technology ie brain machine.
Phase 5
The next level of crime core comes with added complexity and organisation. This girl is being extorted and raped yet it doesn't occur to her that that is what is happening.

They then turns up as lawyers and members of the police to help you or blackmail you and extort you using your crime.