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Sio tungaiku organised crime

Writer's picture: Siuta UaiseleSiuta Uaisele

On a day to day occurance, people looks at buds, breasts and it is not a crime.

They are on display because the person is comfortable with everyone else looking at it. Else, it will be covered with a box or something. It is your job to cover what you don't want others to see. No one stops you from covering it. The public space belongs to everyone.

It is for this reason why we wear clothes and not walk around with nothing. Back in the days of gardens of eden and adam and eve, humans were happy to walk around in the open world with no clothes. Then big bad snake make them eat the apple. Maybe the snake the greatness, else, today we will still be walking around naked. And there will be no fancy shops like Tiffany or Mirrou because it will never occur to us that we will need clothes.

language: Sio tungaiku

Why is this a crime? Or how can this be a crime? In the Tongan language, sio tungaiku means looking at a person's bud, or looking a person's two curvacious hills. One hill on the left side ie left bud. And one hill on the right, ie right bud.

One will say

"its there everyone can look"

Yea yea yea, ofcourse!! you can look. You can look at that bud, or that bud, !or that bud. Noooo big deal at all. Let's go to organised crime..

There is a crime call pedophellia or pervasion(pervert). There is also a new crime call brain rape. In this particular, looking at a person's bud can be a crime, if that person is an underage person. An opportunity for the crime community to use this law to set up a person. And to use that setup to extort that person. Pretty straight forward stuff, nothing new. Very common and well published in the policing training manual. So what's the point of this article? In time we will see where this article makes a new contribution to crime fighting.

People involve

  1. Bad person

    1. This bad person, or many of the bad. Some of them are bad enough to become a criminal. Many others are bad but have not committed any crime.

typical bad from worst to less bad

  • King: a dictator and person that doesn't oblige with the law when his interest is challenged by the law. A king that is jealous of something can order a military man or team of military man to secretly kill that person. A king with an ugly face or body or physique can order a girl that is suuuper hot into his palace or big azz car, or limo to be fucked, which is rape. A king that wants the oil of the Middle East will send his whole country to attack them and steal or have control of the oil money.

On a normal day in a normal person's life, that person can have a cossip or giggle and say. "The king is shit, he is a piece of shit. King go eat shit". Now to us, normal people, or people of democracy in a democracy country. This could just mean a isolation order, saying you that called the king a piece of shit. You can't go near the king any closer than 200 meters. (400 is the right detachement anyways. enough to buffer people from wanting to go over for a fight. 800 meters is the completion)

  • Prince and Princess: They can use their placement as prince and princess to order ministers to do all sorts of weird things and from time to time, it is a crime. Typical crime ranges from rape, extortion, terrorism, abuse of human right and grand theft. They will steal the country's money. They will claim ownership of the resources, including the ocean and fish or right to fish. They also sell these things for millions of dollars to companies from around the world. So, to put this into perspective. If a normal person comes and stop people from fishing at the reef for food to eat. That person is wrong. If a Princess comes and stop a person from fishing at the reef for food for his family. That Princess is right. The hungry family can go hungry or find another country he can fish at.

Ah ha, you are starting to see now that Prince and Princesses are literally criminals. So as the nobles. Are you dum dum that you could not see that the King is the head of one organised crime family? What do you think?

Ofcourse you are a dum dum, some people literally eat a pile of shit just to become a king's men, or order of the king. It usually happen this way. A girl is told to go and lick shit from the bud of a king, or prince or noble. You must know that anyone including the Prime Minister can be the organised crime criminal running the organised crime family. I picked democracy. Moving on..

  • Ministers(all the ministers are also spies)

Next are the ministers of the king themselves, and according to the Robin movie, the ministers have big king banquet and sex parties with lots of drinking alcohol.

  • Spies(Secret assassination team of the king)

The spies are the teams that does the piracy and stealing for the king. These two lines of king's men stole my dead revive and government reserve because the king is criminal as fuck. He also fuck the girl that wins the beauty pageant of their country. We should all move to the United States or kill all the kings and the criminal core of the king's men.

  • Military(some are spies)

The kings' men is called the military. At the beginning of their employment. The king will come and terrorise them, or turn them to terrorist using other military men. The king will tell them that they can kill and murder if and when ordered by the king.

  • Police

Only the top ranking are spies, the lower ranks calls the intrusion of our privacy surveillance

The Police wears a crown and also takes orders from the king.

  • The police under the order of the king can turn a blind eye to a crime. It can be murder, rape, stealing of 1 million or 10 billion. Police brutality is another. Which is the using of the police system to abuse people and their freedom.

and more

  • After the king's core are the street thugs

  • After the street thugs is everyone else. Anyone and everyone can be a criminals. Usually through bad decisions, greed, anger, violent, bad attitude. So in this core, it is more personal. These are the good people, or normal people. This is you and me. And at anytime, we can be tempted or coerced into committing crime. Some of the good people end up as criminals. It could a situation of duress or stress that pushes a person into becoming a criminal.

The point to make make from this section is. Open our eyes and see the improbles as probables in order for us to have perfect completion. On that note, we pay due regards all the good people because we can find them in all cores.

2. Mark

  1. no mark, no crime, there is simply no one important or valuable enough to be extorted or setup

  2. no organised crime case

  3. there is always a mark as the beginning of the crime

In an organised crime, we will have all these people manipulating the evidence and information to set up the mark, or to make the mark look quilty. It involves falsifying the data, creating fake videos. Planting setup evidence to legitimise their case. It could go down like this:

You left home, or you are asleep and someone pump in sleeping gas through the venting system or air conditioning. They then come in and plant the evidence. Then send people to come and take photos. They could be using the cluxing machine to kill you. They then plant the false evidence, before other members of the police arrive. The see that is in your house. You are then convicted.

the extension

after the police leaves, your body is extracted by the ambulance. Your body is brought back, the falsified evidence is taken away. You are then put nicely back to bed. You then wake up the next day, not knowing that you have been setup with the crime of pedophellia or underage rape because everything looks normal, but the setup happened the other day while you were dead for a day. I am still living in the year 2024, but my calculation of the time says that it is now 2035. That means, that what I have just said, could have happened whilst I was dead.

The planting is key, they could turn up with a brain read and camera footage, showing you looking at the bud or behind of a little girl. According to the camera angle, now you know you have to watch out for the camera angel. You could be looking at something else, in that direction. But it seems as if you were looking at that person's ass, or little girls' ass. Now, the criminal police or members of that crime family have an under age pedophile case on you. You need to look at the importance and or value of that person, or the people that the person know. Their interest could be on a person that the mark knows.

Enough information to get you going the right way.

S.c Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele



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