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Population will always come secondary to our acceptance of immortality and living forever. Nevertheless, a good model of population growth is needed in almost all calculations of things in the immortality world.

Roles of the consortium

To forecast, create and build population growth models for the purpose of calculating the many premise of life in the due regards of population growth. We want to be able to tell the world what the population of the world will be in 10 years, 100 years, 1000, years or 1 million or more years from now.


A few models will be presented together with the different forecast of the population in an immortality world.


1. Kontinum growth

2. Understanding the people

3. Medicine: success and weaknesses

4. Disasters: human created or environment created

5. Resources: carrying capacity of the planet, growth capacity of the planet

6. Technological growth: alien invasion, war with aliens, inter-planetary migration

7. Human growth: culture of having a child

  • brain growth

  • growth perceptual

  • human acceptance

  • law


8. Law

  • Politics

  • Legal system

  • Acceptance

    • Individual acceptance​

    • Community acceptance

    • National acceptance

    • World acceptance

  • Power

    • survival by force​

      • model and forecast​

    • survival by sacrifice

      • model and forecast​​​

  • Immortality amendments​ to the law

10. World war and peace​

  • cost and benefit of war

  • cost and benefit of peace

  • Truance: The choice of the people

  • Kontinum: The choice of the people

  • Modelled calculation of the the breakpoints

11. Security

12. Achieving all​




A few years, a few decades ago. The world stated to accept that there is an over population in the world. There were increasing poverty, hunger in many areas of the world, unemployment and and inflation. This drove the world to think that resources are stretched to the limit because of the hunger, the unemployment, the economic collapse, diseases and poverty.

Cure to all diseases

Go to the cure websites for a more detail coverage of the different cures.

If I cannot save all the good people of the world then I am still a failure. Until then, I must keep working on these solutions.

pexels-pavel-danilyuk-7317916 (1).jpg

Immortality is a discovery
Immortality ekoti is the ownership right for immortality.

Further enquiries


All other matters

Discover More

The consortium for immortality is the very first platform in the world that have intellectual discoveries and knowledge on human immortality. Living forever is now a reality with the discovery of Age reverse, Dead revive and Quantum Cure that cure all diseases.

Age reverse  Dead revive  Cure to all diseases

Calculating the population in an immortality world

Go to dead revive, explore and learn how death revive is done.

Dead Revive website

In 1000 years from now. What is the population of the world.


100 years

200 years

500 years

1000 years

1 million years

1 billion years

Here are two methods that have been picked to calculate probable population growth. It is worth mentioning that these numbers are extremely hard to calculate and no one have ever been able to calculate the population for the year correctly a week, a month or a year prior all the time. Below are two methods picked to calculate the population of the world. We are interested in 10 years, 20 years, 40 years, 50 years growth and every 100 year of growth space. What will the population of the world look like in 100 or 200, 500 or 1000 years from now. We know that the world have chosen to live not the grow old and die life model.


Two methods

1. Kontinum growth

2. Growth by data modelling based of collected data

Kontinum growth

Earlier work have put our time of existence to 800,000 trillion years base on the quantum growth of the world. After 800,000 years of growth, the human population is at 8 billion. Many will challenge our age of existence number. Just like all numbers that are complex to estimate or calculate. Many people will have different variables and variants they use to estimate or calculate the number. In the end, some calculations will be more closer to the correct number than others.

After 800,000 trillion years of growth, our population seems to be extremely low in comparison perceptually if the calculated time of existence is 800,000 trillion years. 

"According to the work I have done with the continum energy growth of the earth, planets and all humans and animals, soil, rock and seas. The world we live in today started forming from nothing(a mere thin air) 800,000 trillion years ago."

The bubble is always circular. All the planets are always circular, the moon and the stars. Well, the stars are made of glassy sea through materials similar the diamonds. They sometimes crack and break and become the stars. Similar case with the meteorites and asteroids in space.

One piece of evidence I want to touch base on that is relevant to the calculation of our population is the 40-44 months of growth in a baby's development. Which also equates to 9 months. In our 9th months of growth in our mother's womb. We become complete and we are thereby born as a complete bubble, even though the shape of our bodies is what it is at this point in time. The continum also tells us that we lived as air to soft blobby matters in darkness for the first 200,000 trillion years.

S.c Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele 

Kontinum growth calculation 1

Our first number of natural energy growth is currently at 9 months. 9 block completion before we reach our birth as the human race.

The placement of our population then if we are to live the natural energy growth bubble of the world and the universe is a population of 9 billion people in 900,000 trillion years from today.

900,000 trillion years of existence = 9 billion people

approximately 100,000 trillion years from today the total world population increase is 1 trillion people

Let's put some more information to this calculation to show that it is as valid as any other calculation out there.

No one is ending another person's life because of dead revive or immortality
Immortality is already part of our existence and growth bubble of the world and the energy fields of the universe
Some people will move to other planets
Some people will live in space
There will be many world wars over the next 100,000 trillion years
There could be wars with other civilisations from other planets
The planet could collide with a meteorite and 1 billion people die every 8000 years, or 80,000 years or 8 million years
Our human mind at the different levels of growth or years of growth will do things that can destroy and end the lives of hundreds of millions, or billions of people.

The real growth then will be a continum growth with different behaviours and decisions that relies on growth continum of the Universe, the sun, the stars, the energy of the core of the earth, how many trees on the surface of the planet etc. Did you know from 10 years ago that our population this year will be 200 million people lower than 10, 20 and 30 years ago. These types of big shifts in energy of space, the sun that affects our decision making on earth was never understand and taken into inclusion in our calculations of population growth.

10 years before world war 2, people would have never predicted that the population of the world will be 70 million people less. The continum tells us that 70 million people died in world war 2.
600,000 trillion things or organisms have lived in the world until now. Our placement as humans are at the 8th continum out of a completion of 9. If we take the 8 continum completion and the 8 billion number of people of our parallel equilibrium that is our current existence. Then will be looking at a death of 800 million people. The continum tells us why and how to stop or lower this number of death. This death is currently happening in our current days and generation.
The main reason for this is because we are like a loose feather in the vastness and powerful energy fields of the earth and the universe. Your decision is a function of this energy field. The energy field of the universe is our growth. The energy field of the universe is the size of our brain, the colour of blood and human flesh. The energy field of the universe is our emotion and cognitive growth. We know more today than the people of yesterday. We the people of today will always know more than the people of tomorrow eventhough this pool of knowledge resides inside us where we cannot access.


Calculation 2: Inclusion of the vermit growth

40 million black versus 40 million white
40 million dark versus 40 million light
40 million cold versus 40 million warm
40 million water split versus 40 million solid split

Equilibrium is 
Total number of population growth is 1/8 of core 1 growth


Consider the calculations from the continum population growth graph. It is the incidents of war, interstella meteor collisions, sanctions that will claim the lives hundreds of millions in the future.


The population of the world will reach 8 trillion people in approximately 300,000 years from now according to this inclusion. We will then go into a dark ages, a war amongst the different insterstella planets of our universe and the other universe. At the end of this war, 4 trillion humans will end up dead.


The overall population growth number is 800 billion people in 1000 years from today. Our calculations are based on this number of people in the world.


Population continum completion division (1)_edited.jpg

Kontinum growth

Earlier work have put our time of existence to 800,000 trillion years base on the quantum growth of the world. After 800,000 years of growth, the human population is at 8 billion. Many will challenge our age of existence number. Just like all numbers that are complex to estimate or calculate. Many people will have different variables and variants they use to estimate or calculate the number. In the end, some calculations will be more closer to the correct number than others.

After 800,000 trillion years of growth, our population seems to be extremely low in comparison perceptually if the calculated time of existence is 800,000 trillion years. 

"According to the work I have done with the continum energy growth of the earth, planets and all humans and animals, soil, rock and seas. The world we live in today started forming from nothing(a mere thin air) 800,000 trillion years ago."

The bubble is always circular. All the planets are always circular, the moon and the stars. Well, the stars are made of glassy sea through materials similar the diamonds. They sometimes crack and break and become the stars. Similar case with the meteorites and asteroids in space.

One piece of evidence I want to touch base on that is relevant to the calculation of our population is the 40-44 months of growth in a baby's development. Which also equates to 9 months. In our 9th months of growth in our mother's womb. We become complete and we are thereby born as a complete bubble, even though the shape of our bodies is what it is at this point in time. The continum also tells us that we lived as air to soft blobby matters in darkness for the first 200,000 trillion years.

S.c Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele 

Kontinum growth calculation 2

Our first number of natural energy growth is currently at 9 months. 9 block completion before we reach our birth as the human race.

The placement of our population then if we are to live the natural energy growth bubble of the world and the universe is a population of 9 billion people in 900,000 trillion years from today.

900,000 trillion years of existence = 9 billion people

approximately 100,000 trillion years from today the total world population increase is 1 trillion people

Let's put some more information to this calculation to show that it is as valid as any other calculation out there.

No one is ending another person's life because of dead revive or immortality
Immortality is already part of our existence and growth bubble of the world and the energy fields of the universe
Some people will move to other planets
Some people will live in space
There will be many world wars over the next 100,000 trillion years
There could be wars with other civilisations from other planets
The planet could collide with a meteorite and 1 billion people die every 8000 years, or 80,000 years or 8 million years
Our human mind at the different levels of growth or years of growth will do things that can destroy and end the lives of hundreds of millions, or billions of people.

The real growth then will be a continum growth with different behaviours and decisions that relies on growth continum of the Universe, the sun, the stars, the energy of the core of the earth, how many trees on the surface of the planet etc. Did you know from 10 years ago that our population this year will be 200 million people lower than 10, 20 and 30 years ago. These types of big shifts in energy of space, the sun that affects our decision making on earth was never understand and taken into inclusion in our calculations of population growth.

10 years before world war 2, people would have never predicted that the population of the world will be 70 million people less. The continum tells us that 70 million people died in world war 2.
600,000 trillion things or organisms have lived in the world until now. Our placement as humans are at the 8th continum out of a completion of 9. If we take the 8 continum completion and the 8 billion number of people of our parallel equilibrium that is our current existence. Then will be looking at a death of 800 million people. The continum tells us why and how to stop or lower this number of death. This death is currently happening in our current days and generation.
The main reason for this is because we are like a loose feather in the vastness and powerful energy fields of the earth and the universe. Your decision is a function of this energy field. The energy field of the universe is our growth. The energy field of the universe is the size of our brain, the colour of blood and human flesh. The energy field of the universe is our emotion and cognitive growth. We know more today than the people of yesterday. We the people of today will always know more than the people of tomorrow eventhough this pool of knowledge resides inside us where we cannot access.


Lateral growth model

The lateral growth model is good in estimating the a flat growth. This is the model that most people are likely to be using. 

Lateral inference model
Lateral data model

Lateral inference

Population number
Population growth percentage

Lateral collect
Lateral collect model takes a minimum of 8 number of years to 12. These data are used to calculate the average percentage in population. The percentage increase is then used to calculate the population base on the number of years.

Population numberPopulation growth percentageImmortality

Smarty pants
​$96,000,000,000.00 (the ekoti)

Calculate the exact population of the world every year. Acceptance is within 100 people for 2 zeros less.

Acceptance 1: $960,000,000.00(kontinum Kompletio). By the time you figure this out, the population will be at 9.6 billion people in 40 years from now.

Acceptance 2: $9.6 billion

Ekoti : $96 trillion dollars

This will pay when I sign the government reserve funds in person. It is available to the world.

You could not figure out how to reverse age. I thought I'll give you an easier project that is doable and achievable for all. Cash out at acceptance 1 then continue. Cash out at acceptance 2 then continue. I get 10% if you use my kontinum. I know you'll need it. I am am making the Kontinum available to the whole world for free. (until further notice) The number has to be accurate for 10 years.
We have up to 100 years to figure this out.

The lateral growth model uses the following growth premises to calculate the value of the population.

Birth and death
Disease growth
Treatment, medicine and medical
Crime death

Kontinum Culture
Popular culture: effects on population number
Migration: effects of the kontinum in birth
Wealth: effects of birth
Work hours: effects on birth
Movies: effects on population number
Weather: effects on population number
Kontinum Diet: effects on population number
Diet: effects of population number
and more
In the specific of population. The number of population  is calculated as per reftoed premise.

The lateral growth model uses the following growth premises to calculate the value of the population.

Birth and death
Disease growth
Treatment, medicine and medical
Crime death

Kontinum Culture
Popular culture: effects on population number
Migration: effects of the kontinum in birth
Wealth: effects of birth
Work hours: effects on birth
Movies: effects on population number
Weather: effects on population number
Kontinum Diet: effects on population number
Diet: effects of population number
and more
In the specific of population. The number of population  is calculated as per reftoed premise.

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