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Age reverse
Dead revive
Cure to all diseases
Population growth

All other matters relating to immortality

Immortality is a discovery
Immortality ekoti is the ownership right for immortality.

Further enquiries



Find photos from treatment of quantum attacks and radiation attacks plus cell breakages from chemical attacks and disease treatment.


Extracting internal tissue damages  Treatment $200,000


After treatment

Immortality Ekoti Photos from the different sessions of disease cleaning up. The damages inside the body is not visible in most cases.

The treatments costs an average of $200,000 to $1,000,000 for non government reserve countries. For government reserve countries. The cure is paid in bulk for $5 billion dollars per person for the intellectual discovery or the knowledge only. The running of the treatment cost $100,000 to $200,000 per year per person. You the patient will get all the advice on how to run the treatment. You will also get a person that can come and help you as a treatment assistant. This person will set up the treatment for you. Other services such as food delivery and house work can also be added for an extra fee.

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Precious before the disease attacks

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Cleff attacks, chemical attacks


Blueprint loop attack

According to evidence, these attacks were done by British and u.s.a cia. A network of criminal that goes through the u.s and British military. They extort and control things through mind manipulation, falsified police documents, criminal police and judges, criminal doctors and medics. This is their extortion being crafted. It has been found to be the same network behind the ebola and corona virus attacks. According to evidence, it works in the interest and sometimes direct command of the British Monarchy that controls the Tonga Monarchy.

Age Reverse photos

Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele 2023

Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele 2024
(Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele bubble year)

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Blueprint loop attack

The bubble year means that I died and was brought back to life, many times. I was first murdered in 2012 inside the Cumberland mental hospital. It happened after my energy electric car technology discovery, age reverse and dead revive was stolen. The information I have tells me that I died for 3 days before I was brought back from the dead using my dead revive discovery. Some one send me the exact date over a soundbite. This is why I have only lived up to the 11th August, 2024. I calculated the real year in 2023, and it should have been the year 2035 last year. I have died a few more times since then due to quantum starvation and quantum attacks in Auckland. Sometimes its a nozzle tornadoe style where the energy is extracted from the body. You then fall off to sleep. You observe this effect in many of the people that have died. I have seen 2 people's passing(death). Most of the quantum attack, your body is in good condition and should not die. Then the energy bounce back and reconnect to the earths quantum energy field and the body comes back to life. So this is why, I have only lived up to 2024. Everytime I died, there is a reset meaning that the body is reconditioned to life condition and is put back where it was found. The person then wakes up as if it was only a sleep. Many people have died and woke up 2 months or 6 months or 1 year after, or 2 year thinks that he or she had only fallen asleep for 5 minutes or over night. In 1989 while in class 6 primary school I wrote my discovery in my national exam. I was never informed of someone working on dead revive. I also explained to my little son back then how to revive the dead. In my notes that I put in the internet after calculating that there will be many attempted murder on my life. I said, that the doctors is to tell my son that it was an old discovery. Well it's true, it was mine all along. I wanted him to take it to the media, investigate and become part of this monumentus achievement in human existence. This little guy is Domonic Samuel 'Ekoti Uaisele, my other little guy Falakiko 'Ekoti Uaisele was to be informed of my death a little time after. I already knew when I wrote the note that cia or fbi or some military or police teams already knew about my work. I even send myself an email with the word bomb so that it triggers the u.s.a terrorist data mining system to put up a red flag case. When you walk through hell on your own, you need all the help you can get.

Age reverse core extraction session

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Core extraction

Age reverse core extraction session

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Core extraction

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Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele

Radiation burnings found during peeling sessions. Cells underneath have been burned

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Forehead burnings turns to wrinkles

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Evidence of burnings on around the are of the lips.

Session peeling progress photos

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Underneath the skin, the peeling reveals the damages from the chemical attack. Incident took place while I was in Tonga.


Both radiation and chemical injected. Incident timestamp: during my visit 2015-2016(Ekoti bubble year)


Same cell and tissue damages on the knee area. Darkened spot coming out through the skin and exit the body. 

Evidence of burnings on around the are of the lips.

Session peeling progress photos

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