Read only website
​​All are welcome to read the discoveries presented in this website
It can only be used for the treatments, dead revive and age reverse
No resale unless you have an agreement signed with Immortality Ekoti
You steal a dollar. You pay a dollar plus cost. You do illegal dead revive. You pay with the life of the dead you just revived plus cost which is your life. This is what the consortium for immortality will seek in such situation from the legal system.
Roles of the consortium
The consortium is the authority for all Dead revive. The administration of the Dead revive and Immortality is administered from this platform. All queries about dead revive comes to the consortium. Immortality is managed from here.
As the sole owner of Immortality, it is my role to make decisions on the running of all projects in New Zealand, Pacific and the rest of the world. The right of access to dead revive, age reverse and Immortality cure is still decided on a country by country basis. I work directly with the government in these matters. Personal matters that you cannot resolve through the government can be raised directly with the consortium.
The consortium is working with the government to negotiate the paying of all Immortality treatments through a government reserve program. I also decide on the price for all the treatments. At this current state, here are the prices:
1. Age reversal: $5 billion
2. Dead revive: $5 billion
3. Immortality cure: S5 billion
Plus the ground treatment fee.
Other areas
Population growth
Supply and resources to sustain the immortality world
World Security
History of the cure
Cure to all diseases
A crazy idea
A pipe dream
Something humanity have been working on since the beginning of time
After figuring out that the dead can be brought back to life. What went through my mind was.. "Could this be it", is this immortality. I learned the science of the body through Tonga High School and primary school but that was it. There was an edge or advantage many may say. The advantage was, I started doing treatments when I was a little kid. My adopted mother and her older sister, my grandmother were medicine people in Tonga. There were remedies and methods of treating diseases. There were many successes as well. Nevertheless, if your intention is to make things better. Then there are no legal requirement in the law to stop that particular person from treating a disease. It is illegal to stop a person from carrying out treatments through the use of the law.
This answer to this question is in the fact that the people that are licensed to give treatments never had a cure to all the diseases. Many many many people died and still dies from diseases everyday because there are no cures. There are some cures or treatments that works though.
Onus of responsibility
If the government send the police to stop a person from trying to treat cancer. Or if the government stops a person or misleads a person to think that they cannot seek treatment from any person in the world. And this person die from cancer, the government is liable for this death. Through negligence, corruption or causing grievous bodily through legislated requirement(s) harm causing death. The parliament have committed murder.
The other case against this position is in a waver that protects legislative members from all liabilities as per legislated rules of law. There is still a case for liability if such legislation have been legalised in any other due regard other than for the purpose of doing good for the people. I will put this part aside as a secondary and continue to offer the cure to all diseases to the public because my treatment can cure all diseases including cancer and all virus diseases such as hivAids.
I am a Scholar(S.C) scientist that have discovered up to 12 different ways to cure all the disease. The bottom line is, around 42 million people die every year, most at the hospitals of the world because the medical professionals could not cure their diseases. Some could have treated by the healers of traditional medicine. The government and the licensing system cannot stop any person that tries to cure a person's illness for the purpose of trying to heal or cure or treat that disease. It is also illegal to mislead people to think that they can only go to a registered doctor. My service complied with the law from day 1 as a Quantum disease cure and a quantum energy imbalance cure. Many people have been mislead to think that my business is illegal because it does not have the right registration.
An evaluation
There is a minimum 75% chance that the drug companies are paying people to crush immortality Ekoti and Immortality cure. Here is why, immortality cure outperforms drug base medicines because it extracts diseases out of the body. In a $100 trillion dollar world economy, There is a minimum of $5 trillion dollars every year spend on medical drugs. My cure uses water and fruits. One of the cure uses qodine quantum energy which also uses zero drugs. According to crime modelling, crimes gets committed to protect $10 billion, $100 billion or trillion dollar markets. Crime modelling tells us that that people gets paid to use terrorism and extortion, or murder scientists that make these types of discoveries.
All the cures are on display
All cures cure all types of diseases
Customers must buy the right to use the cures. One permit gives you access to all the cures
Cure 1: Water Extraction
All diseases is flows out of the body once it is put inside a tub or water. The disease also exits the body once an imbalance is created.​​
Method 1. Use a warm or cool wet cloth or towel to keep on wiping the body of the person. The disease cleans out by the water just like cleaning dirt with the wet cloth. ​
Method 2. A warm bath. Stay inside the bath for about 2 to 12 hours. Change the water after the 3rd or 4th hour. For treatments such as cancer, virus extraction. The best result is achieved by staying in the bath for 5 to 8 hours. Better result if you can do the treatment for 12 hours. You can sleep in the tub of water whilst the water extracts the diseases. Stand up after every 30-40 minutes so that the air and radiation diseases can exit to the air.​The water treatment takes effect as soon as the body comes into contact with the water. The layer of water becomes one with the body, as a result, the diseases flows into the water and out of the body.
Cure 2: Egg extraction
Treatment Direction​​1. Crack the eggs open. Separade the yellow from the clarity.2. Braise the face or whole body with the yellow egg york first. Add appsocimately 4 to 8 layers.3. The use a magnet to unbind the body by sweeping the magnet on lop of the area that needs treatment.(if you have a treatment fan, use the treatment fan)4. Keep the fan running while you continue to braise or apply the egg on the surface.5. The egg will get try.6. You will see the diseases coming out. For example, dark discolouration, inflamation, collapsing of the cells inside. 7. Use a little water spray to spray water onto the dry egg layer to make it wet again and make it fluid again.8. Continue the wet and dry peeling until the eggs all disappear from the surface or until you decide to stop.
Cure 3: Quantum fluid Extraction
Treatment Direction​
1. Choose the colour of continum to use
2. Prepare the extract. Use a blender or crush the fruit, or flower or leaves that is being used.
3. Apply the extract on the surface. If you are using the bath method. Use 4 to 8 cups of the extract per tub or bath tub. You will see something similar to the treatment photos on the side.
4. Repeat the process until the disease is extracted out. ​
Once your bath tub is filled with the remedy added. Hop in and spend the next 2 to 8 hours sleeping in the bath tub or listening to music whilst the fluid pulls the disease out.​
Both treatment also used magnetic flux for a pulling flow effect. This speeds up the flow of the disease to the surface.
Go to the Immortality Ekoti website. More cure methods.
Cure 4: Quantum sweeping
Treatment Direction​
Diseases have a colour. The types of energy have a colour or colours just like the rainbow. There are stronger colours and weaker colours. One of the discoveries is knowing that diseases have colours. For instance, hiv Aids is blue, black, grey and white depending of the different levels of the disease growth. The hiv aids can be treated with a blue, grey, black(rock, wood).
Use an energy core to pull the strong energy that causes the disease.
Energy cores
Plastic sheet
Core of the earth
This section is about Quantum level 0, sweeping. The magnet, a plastic rod or piece of plastic (bigger in weight than the weight of the person, or area of infection), fire or candle will be able to pull out your diseases. The rest of the cure is base on the fundamental of sweeping the floor with a broom.
Treatment direction
Cover your core with the right qodine or something with the right colour of the disease.
Position the core like a fan. Sweep left and right like getting dirt off a table. You are pushing
Start sweeping until all your disease(s) are swept out of your the body.
Plastic or a piece of wood also works and in some cases. A plastic energy core, rock or piece of wood works better as it is more compatible with the body. The addition of water on the surface also contribute to the dilution of the disease and the pulling out the disease.
Cure 5: All Cure
No need to know what the disease is
1. Warm water bath
For those the wants to start simple. The water bath is as powerful and as effective as the other treatments. In some cases, the water treatment is the fastest form to cure diseases.
Bath is warm water or cool water 3 to 4 hours per session. Some diseases gets extracted out after 1 session. Other diseases requires 8 sessions. The more serious and longer grow diseases like cancer can take 4 weeks to 4 months or up to 12 months in some cases. A disease that have grown inside the body for many years can sometimes take a few years to get the disease to melt inside and exit the body. Give yourself up to 8 to 12 years. No surgery required. Natural water extraction. Adjust the water to what makes the body feels good. If in high pain or illness, use mild warm water, keep the water warm.
Faster treatment
Use fruits to give strength to the water.
Use the ripe mango, 3, 4 or 5 mangoes. Peel off the skin.
Use orange juice in the bath,
Or the green leaves of the orange or lemon trees. Mango tree leaves is also ideal. You can also pick the leaves, leave the leaves to turn yellow then crush them and add to the bath. Use a blender to crush the leaves if you have a blender.
Boil the leave a little if it causes scratching irritation.
2. Qodine
Use a purple, dark blue, burgundy, dark red, dark brown, grey, white, black sheet on the surface of the tub when you have your bath. Change colour every 4 days.
Cure 6: Gravity printing
Cure 7: Earth core quantum extraction
Gravity printing
Blanket and clothes
A discovery call the vermit tells us that there are two different site of the growth. One is dry heat. The other is wet cold. This discovery tells us that there are two major types of diseases. One is vermit dry heat. The other is vermit wet cold. The vermit heat has the colour yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, black, grey, white. The vermit cold has the colour green, brown, burgundy, limestone dry and limestone wet, blue, black, grey, white. When your disease is a cold vermit, we use dry warm methods to neutralise your disease. When your disease is a dry heat vermit. We use the cold vermit colours and water to neutralise and extract the diseases out. This method also melt things such as mole and tumours into water and the tumour is passed out through sweat and other body fluid.
Sleeping at night cure treatment
Top blanket
Use a mid-tone yellow or a mid-tone green as your blanket, you can also use pink.
As gravity passes through blanket, its continum energy changes to the colour of the blanket. This means that you have yellow energy going through your body. The effect is a lowering down and a conversion of the high continum energy of the body's diseases into the normal non dis ease(disease) body. It cures the body by turning bad energy to healthy energy.
Earth Core quantum pulling
Low sheet, or bet cover
Use the high disease continum colours on top of your bed, or where you lay down on.
As the core of the planet pulls things from outside the core into the core. The colour on the surface is the type of energy being pulled out. Use purple, black, grey, white, strong blue, strong brown, strong lime on the surface of the bed. Also, strong orange, strong red, strong pink are colours to cover the top of your bed with so that your body gets cure whilst you sleep at night. This will stop or hugely prevent the body from getting diseases.
Pointer note
If you get sick in summer. Then the water bath will be most effective. If you get sick in winter, then dry qodine heat or air base quantums is the most effective. Warm water have heat. This makes the water bath work for both vermits. Cold water have cool or cold wet vermits. This makes cool water also works. The treatment works on everything because the level of energy that is the coolness and warmness in the water is less powerful than the disease. It therefore brings the energy of all the diseases down to a healthy body energy level.
Cure treatment Quick Buy
Price have two parts
i. Part 1 is $250,000 to $1 million dollars
ii. Part 2 is $5 billion dollars
Every can afford the age reverse. Pick the one that applies to you. The price is 10% of your weekly income if you cannot pay in full.
The countries that runs the government reserve must pay for everyone's cure treatment in full and refund everyone that have paid for any of the products on sale, from a special provision program.
Buy the treatment right
Full price $250,000

Poverty concession
$5 weekly

Weekly Part Pay
Deposit price $50,000
plus weekly

Poverty concession
plus weekly
Forward Concession
$50 weekly

Concessions are for the poor and extreme poor. It means you pay what you can, even if it is only $5 per week.