Year 1
A baby cannot possibly be able to commit a crime.
Year 2
A baby commits the crime of assalt.
One baby assalts another baby.
One baby assalts mother, father or brother for the most part.
Year 3
A baby commits the crime of sexual nature.
A baby commits the crime of greed. They steal other baby's food and toys.
Isolation of siblings by sex age.
Child must have their own room by human right.
Mother and father must treat the child in the due regards of the sex drive becoming part of the child's continum energy.
T.v programs and ratings are designed in the due regards of the little person's growth.
School rules are designed in the due regard.
Many legislative amendments are build from this knowledge base.
Year 4
A baby commits the crime of theft and non violet robbery.
Child must have access to their own wealth.
The continum says that the child needs $400 dollars per week.
Year 5
All crimes commited since year 2 with increasing seriousness at 12.5% every year. For instance, the baby's assalt is now at 47.5%. Sexual crime of the baby is at 25% completion, and growing to 37.5% by the end of the year.
The rest is up to the parents that really knows the growth of the child in their specific environment.
According to the continum of our crowth. The baby is incapable of murder, thank goodness. Now, this is because, the baby have not grown to its first burst growth, which happens after the age of 8 for some, after 9, 10, 11, 12 for some.
